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Normalisation of physical function by infliximab in patients with RA: factors associated with normal physical function.


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OBJECTIVES: We conducted a two-year prospective study to identify possible factors associated with normalisation of physical function by infliximab treatment in 125 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: RA patients who had been scheduled to receive infliximab at 3 mg/kg were registered and prospectively examined for disease activity, joint damage, and physical function for 102 weeks using the Disease Activity Score of 28 Joints (DAS-28) using C-reactive protein, van der Heijde-modified Sharp score (vdH-Sharp score) of hand and foot x-ray, and Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index (HAQ-DI). Normal physical function and clinical remission were defined as a HAQ-DI of 0.5 or less, and DAS28 (CRP) <2.6, respectively. RESULTS: Forty-two of 125 patients (42%) achieved normal physical function at 102 weeks. The percentage of normal physical function at 102 weeks was significantly higher in the patients achieving clinical remission at 102 weeks (60%) than in those without (16%). In the patients with clinical remission at 102 weeks, less structural damage at baseline was correlated with a higher rate of normal physical function, suggesting the critical importance of joint destruction prior to infliximab therapy, in addition to clinical response. Logistic regression analysis further identified HAQ-DI, serum MMP-3 level, vdH-Sharp score, and methotrexate (MTX) dose as baseline factors contributing to normal physical function with 2-year infliximab treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with anti-TNF biologics in combination with MTX may achieve the normalisation of physical function in patients with established RA. Critical factors contributing to the normalisation of function were tight control of disease activity and less joint damage.
机译:目的:我们进行了为期两年的前瞻性研究,以鉴定英夫利昔单抗治疗的125位类风湿关节炎(RA)患者与身体功能正常化相关的可能因素。方法:对计划接受3 mg / kg英夫利昔单抗的RA患者进行登记,并使用28个关节的疾病活动评分(DAS-28)使用C-进行前瞻性检查疾病活动,关节损伤和身体功能102周活性蛋白,范德海德改良的手足X射线夏普评分(vdH-Sharp评分)和健康评估问卷残疾指数(HAQ-DI)。正常的身体机能和临床缓解分别定义为HAQ-DI等于或小于0.5,DAS28(CRP)<2.6。结果:125位患者中有42位(42%)在102周时达到了正常的身体功能。在102周时达到临床缓解的患者,在102周时的正常身体机能百分比显着高于未在16周时的患者(16%)。在102周时临床缓解的患者中,基线时较少的结构损伤与较高的正常身体机能相关,这表明除临床反应外,英夫利昔单抗治疗之前关节破坏的重要性。 Logistic回归分析进一步确定了HAQ-DI,血清MMP-3水平,vdH-Sharp评分和甲氨蝶呤(MTX)剂量是基线水平,这些因子是2年英夫利昔单抗治疗有助于正常身体功能的基础。结论:抗TNF生物制剂与MTX联合治疗可以使已确诊的RA患者的身体功能正常化。促进功能正常化的关键因素是严格控制疾病活动和减少关节损伤。



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