首页> 外文期刊>北見工業大学研究報告 >Some construction methods with three-dimensional thermal and stress coupling analysis for high quality control of concrete structures in cold region

Some construction methods with three-dimensional thermal and stress coupling analysis for high quality control of concrete structures in cold region


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The purpose of this research is to control cracking of concrete structures that undergo repeated freezing and thawing in winter in cold regions by applying three dimensional them mal and stress coupling analysis. The temperature, strain, stress etc. of each construction method are examined to improve the process of quality improvement. By applying the equation of three dimensional thermal and stress coupling analysis, this study examined potential for and control of the cracks in concrete structures in the regions, especially in a three dimensional short span of the structure. Relieving restraints on the existing base concrete by a retarder concrete layer, the effects of crack prevention of a crack were better than with either fiber concrete and reinforcing ku concrete. It is necessary to examine the mix proportion suitable for each construction method, because the consistency of the concrete will differ by the construction method.



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