首页> 外文期刊>地質調查所月報 >JUDGE Project: A Continental Scientific Drilling into Plate Subduction Zone, (8) On archives of data and information of JUDGE

JUDGE Project: A Continental Scientific Drilling into Plate Subduction Zone, (8) On archives of data and information of JUDGE


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In this paper we propose data types and design of the concept of archives which are appropriate for data handling of the JUDGE project - The archives consist of three layers and four subspaces: the three layers are the public, participant, and management layers, and the four subspaces are the data creation, data archive, data process. and data reference subspaces. Using this concept, we have built a pilot system and loaded it with well-log, core image and other data to evaluate the validity of data archive and management system - The pilot system consisting of a workstation and application softwares shows good performance in data inquiry and presentation - It is also confirmed that the system can manipulate information of existence and in/out of real materials of data.



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