首页> 外文期刊>Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Psychology >The impact of subliminal effect images in voluntary vs. stimulus-driven actions

The impact of subliminal effect images in voluntary vs. stimulus-driven actions


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According to the ideomotor theory, actions are represented in terms of their sensory effects. In the current study we tested whether subliminal effect images influence action control (1) at early and/or late preparatory stages of,(2) voluntary actions or stimulus-driven actions (3) with or without Stimulus Response (S-R) compatibility. In Experiment 1, participants were presented at random with 50% of S-R compatible stimulus-driven action trials and 50% of voluntary action trials. The actions' effects (i.e. up or down-pointing arrows), were presented subliminally before each action (i.e. a keypress). In voluntary actions, participants selected more often the action congruent with the prime when it was presented at long intervals before the action. Moreover they responded faster in prime-congruent than in prime incongruent trials when primes were presented at short intervals before the action. In Experiment 2, participants were only presented with stimulus-driven action trials, with or without S-R compatibility. In stimulus-driven action trials with S-R compatibility (e.g., left-pointing arrow signaling a left keypress), subliminal action-effects did not generate any significant effect on RTs or error rates. On the other hand, in stimulus-driven action trials without S-R compatibility (e.g., letter "H" signaling a left keypress), participants were significantly faster in prime-congruent trials when primes were presented at the shortest time interval before the action.
机译:根据意识运动理论,动作以其感官效果来表示。在本研究中,我们测试了潜意识效果图像是否会影响(1)在准备阶段的早期和/或后期,(2)自愿行为或刺激驱动行为(3)具有或不具有刺激反应(S-R)兼容性的动作控制。在实验1中,随机向参与者展示了50%的S-R兼容刺激驱动的动作试验和50%的自愿动作试验。这些动作的效果(即向上或向下的箭头)是在每个动作(即按键)之前先呈现的。在自愿行动中,当参与者在主要行动之前很长一段时间内提出与主要内容一致的行动时,参与者会更频繁地选择该行动。此外,当素数在动作前短暂出现时,它们在素数全合试验中的反应比素数全异试验更快。在实验2中,仅向参与者展示了刺激驱动的动作试验,无论是否具有S-R兼容性。在具有S-R兼容性的刺激驱动的动作试验中(例如,向左箭头表示左键按下),阈下动作效果对RT或错误率没有明显影响。另一方面,在没有S-R兼容性的刺激驱动的动作试验中(例如,字母“ H”表示左键按下),当素数在动作前的最短时间间隔出现时,参与者的素数一致性试验明显更快。



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