首页> 外文期刊>農作業研究 >Ergonomic evaluation of ride-on tractor operation between beginner and skillful operator - Comparative Analyses of Physiological Strain, Technical Performance and Viewing Point -

Ergonomic evaluation of ride-on tractor operation between beginner and skillful operator - Comparative Analyses of Physiological Strain, Technical Performance and Viewing Point -


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The main objectives of this study are to provide ergonomic data about the performance of tractor operators, particularly beginners, and to find effective ways to improve operator-training system and work safety education. This paper reviews two experiments concerning ride-on tractor operation. Experiment 1 was the Driving Course (DC), which was designed to assess driving tasks in a road segment, and Experiment 2 was Rotary Tillage (RT), which was designed to assess tractor operation in a farm field. An ergonomic approach was taken to analyze the tractor operation performance of both beginners and skillful operators (all subjects have an automotive driver's license). The present study focused on comparative analyses of physiological strain, technical performance and viewing patterns between beginners and skillful operators. These analyses proved that the learning time required for beginners to reach a necessary level of performance and psychological stability were about 5 and 16 hours (effective-working time) for the driving course and rotary tillage operation, respectively.



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