首页> 外文期刊>Differentiation: The Journal of the International Society of Differentiation >Expression patterns of keratin intermediate filament and keratin associated protein genes in wool follicles.

Expression patterns of keratin intermediate filament and keratin associated protein genes in wool follicles.


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The catalogue of hair keratin intermediate filaments (KIFs) and keratin-associated proteins (KAPs) present in wool follicles is incomplete. The full coding sequences for three novel sheep KIFs (KRT27, KRT35 and KRT38) and one KAP (KRTAP4-3) were established in this study. Spatial expression patterns of these and other genes (KRT31, KRT85, KRTAP6-1 and trichohyalin) were determined by in situ hybridisation in wool follicles at synchronised stages of growth. Transcription proceeded in the order: trichohyalin, KRT27, KRT85, KRT35, KRT31, KRT38, KRTAP6-1 and KRTAP4-3, as determined by increasing distance of their expression zones from the germinal matrix in anagen follicles. Expression became gradually more restricted to the lower follicle during follicle regression (catagen), and ceased during dormancy (telogen). Some genes (KRT27, KRT31, KRT85 and KRTAP6-1), but not others, were expressed in cortical cells forming the brush-end, indicating specific requirements for the formation of this anchoring structure. The resumption of keratin expression was observed only in later stages of follicle reactivation (proanagen). KIF expression patterns in primary wool follicles showed general resemblance to their human homologues but with some unique features. Consistent differences in localisation between primary and secondary wool follicles were observed. Asymmetrical expression of KRT27, KRT31, KRT35, KRT85 and trichohyalin genes in secondary follicles were associated with bulb deflection and follicle curvature, suggesting a role in the determination of follicle and fibre morphology.



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