首页> 外文期刊>Journal of X-ray science and technology >X-ray microdiffraction and urine: A new analysis method of crystalluria

X-ray microdiffraction and urine: A new analysis method of crystalluria


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The qualitative and quantitative analyses of crystalluria have clinical significance in the diagnosis and prognosis of urolithiasis. The aim of this paper is to provide a new accurate methodology to get qualitative and quantitative data on urine particulate in patients with renal stone disease. The procedure involves a urine collection, the separation of the solid residual by centrifugation, and its analysis by X-ray diffraction, utilizing a micro-diffractometer in order to analyze very low amounts of residual. The spectrum obtained was converted into 2 I profiles and quantitatively refined by Rietveld method. The proposed methodology has the advantage to accurately quantify all crystalline phases and the amorphous component of the urine; anyway urine samples have to be centrifuged and analysed as soon as possible, because the quantitative results obtained by the X-ray microdiffraction showed that after some days and at room temperature urine increased significantly both amorphous and crystalline phases.
机译:结晶尿的定性和定量分析对尿路结石的诊断和预后具有临床意义。本文的目的是提供一种新的准确方法,以获取有关肾结石患者尿液颗粒的定性和定量数据。该程序包括收集尿液,通过离心分离固体残留物,以及使用微衍射仪通过X射线衍射进行分析,以分析极少量的残留物。将获得的光谱转换为2 I轮廓,并通过Rietveld方法定量精制。所提出的方法的优点是可以准确定量尿液中所有的结晶相和无定形成分。无论如何,都必须尽快对尿液样品进行离心和分析,因为通过X射线微衍射获得的定量结果表明,几天后,在室温下,尿液的非晶相和结晶相均显着增加。



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