首页> 外文期刊>Journal Of The South African Institute Of Mining & Metallurgy >A century of migrant labour in the gold mines of South Africa

A century of migrant labour in the gold mines of South Africa


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Our purpose is to record and to explain the widely changing numbers of the huge total of black workers on the gold mines of South Africa over the century from 1896 to 1996, These men were recruited from up to twenty territories, and their contributions are examined. The major areas providing labour over this long period have been Lesotho, the former Transkei within South Africa and Mozambique. From 1989 to 1996, for instance, these three areas accounted for over sixty per cent of the total labour force (tlf). Our principal Figure 1 shows the tlf fluctuating through time to reach a peak of 480 000 in 1988. Irregular falls are also documented with the most serious in 1995 to 180 000. Based on this graph we consider the political, economic, sociological and historical reasons behind these changing employment opportunities. These have included external world-scale events such as war or depression, as well as internal changes of national economy and policy. We show the importance for numbers employed of the discovery of gold in the Orange Free State in 1946, the influence generally of the 'Winds of Change* and the firm maintenance by the State of law and order. Varying gold production costs and profitability against high tax rates, allied with increasing wages and a lack of development capital, have led in the last decade to employment falling by fifty per cent, despite an actually higher value of gold output. Finally, this analysis considers the role of the migrant labour system as it affects, and is affected by, conditions in the gold mining industry, with special reference to its less than humane consequences in the numerically dominant territories of Lesotho and Transkei.
机译:我们的目的是记录和解释1896年至1996年一个世纪以来,南非金矿上大量黑人工人的广泛变化。这些工人从多达20个地区招募,并对他们的贡献进行了研究。长期提供劳动力的主要地区是莱索托,南非和莫桑比克的前特兰斯凯。例如,从1989年到1996年,这三个地区占劳动力总数的60%以上。我们的主要图1显示tlf随时间波动,到1988年达到480 000的峰值。不规则的跌落也有记录,最严重的是1995年到180000。基于此图,我们考虑了政治,经济,社会和历史原因这些不断变化的就业机会背后。其中包括战争或萧条之类的外部世界规模的事件,以及国民经济和政策的内部变化。我们展示了1946年在奥兰治自由州发现金矿所使用的数字的重要性,“变革之风”的影响以及法治国家对企业的坚定维护的重要性。在过去十年中,尽管黄金生产成本实际上更高,但黄金生产成本的变化和在高税率下的获利能力,以及工资的上涨和缺乏发展资本,导致就业率下降了50%。最后,该分析考虑了移徙劳动力系统在其影响和受金矿业条件影响的作用,并特别提及了其在莱索托和特兰斯凯这两个占主导地位的领土上的不人道后果。



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