首页> 外文期刊>Journal of general internal medicine >Teaching health policy to residents-three-year experience with a multi-specialty curriculum.

Teaching health policy to residents-three-year experience with a multi-specialty curriculum.


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INTRODUCTION: Most residents have limited education or exposure to health policy during residency. AIMS: We developed a course to (1) educate residents on health policy topics applicable to daily physician practice; (2) expose residents to health policy careers through visits with policy makers and analysts; (3) promote personal engagement in health policy. SETTING: Residents registered for a 3-week elective offered twice annually through the George Washington University Department of Health Policy. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The course format includes: daily required readings and small-group seminars with policy experts, interactive on-site visits with policy makers, and final team presentations to senior faculty on topical health policy issues. PROGRAM EVALUATION: One hundred thirty residents from 14 specialties have completed the course to date. Seventy completed our post-course survey. Most participants [59 (84%)] felt the course was very or extremely helpful. Participant self-ratings increased from pre- to post-course in overall knowledge of health policy [2 (3%) good or excellent before, 58 (83%) after], likelihood of teaching policy concepts to peers [20 (25%) vs. 62 (86%)], and likelihood of pursuing further health policy training [28 (37%) vs. 56 (82%)]. CONCLUSIONS: This 3-week elective in health policy improves self-reported knowledge and interest in health policy research, advocacy, and teaching.
机译:简介:大多数居民在居住期间受过有限的教育或接触卫生政策。目的:我们开发了一个课程,以(1)对居民进行适用于日常医师实践的健康政策主题教育; (2)通过与政策制定者和分析人员的访问使居民接触到卫生政策职业; (3)促进个人参与卫生政策。地点:居民登记参加为期3周的选修课,每年通过乔治华盛顿大学卫生政策系提供两次。计划说明:课程形式包括:每日必读内容和与政策专家进行的小组讨论会,与政策制定者进行的互动式现场访问,以及针对高级卫生政策问题的高级团队的最终团队介绍。计划评估:迄今为止,来自14个专业的130位居民已经完成了该课程。七十岁完成了我们的课后调查。大多数参与者[59(84%)]认为该课程非常有帮助。参加者的自我评价从疗程前到疗后提高了总体卫生政策知识[2(3%)之前是好或优秀,58(83%)之后],向同龄人教授政策概念的可能性[20(25%) vs. 62(86%)]和接受进一步健康政策培训的可能性[28(37%)vs. 56(82%)]。结论:为期3周的健康政策选修课提高了自我报告的知识以及对健康政策研究,倡导和教学的兴趣。



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