首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Virological Methods >Multiplex real-time PCR assays for the detection of group C rotavirus, astrovirus, and Subgenus F adenovirus in stool specimens

Multiplex real-time PCR assays for the detection of group C rotavirus, astrovirus, and Subgenus F adenovirus in stool specimens


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Group C rotavirus (GCRV), astrovirus (AstV), and adenovirus (subgenus F AdenoV) are etiologic agents of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis, which often represents community outbreaks. For the efficient detection of GCRV, AstV, and subgenus F AdenoV instool specimens, a multiplex real-time PCR assay was developed to detect these three viruses simultaneously, with high sensitivity and specificity. In total, 8404 clinical specimens were collected between April 2008 and March 2011 and tested for GCRV, AstV, and subgenus F AdenoV by the multiplex real-time PCR, as well as for norovirus (NoV), sapovirus (SaV), and group A rotavirus (GARV) by non-multiplex real-time PCR. Forty-one specimens were positive for GCRV, AstV, or subgenus F AdenoV, including 15specimens that were also positive for NoV, SaV, or GARV. Multiple viruses were detected simultaneously in 29 out of4596 (0.63%) specimens infected with at least one virus. The association rates of AstV and subgenus F AdenoV with other viruses were significantly higher than those of NoV, SaV, GARV, or GCRV.
机译:C组轮状病毒(GCRV),星状病毒(AstV)和腺病毒(F AdenoV属)是急性非细菌性胃肠炎的病原体,通常代表社区暴发。为了有效检测GCRV,AstV和F AdenoV亚属粪便标本,开发了一种实时荧光定量PCR技术,以高灵敏度和特异性同时检测这三种病毒。在2008年4月至2011年3月之间,总共收集了8404个临床标本,并通过多重实时PCR检测了GCRV,AstV和F AdenoV亚属,并检测了诺如病毒(NoV),沙波病毒(SaV)和A组轮状病毒(GARV)通过非多重实时PCR。 41个样本的GCRV,AstV或F AdenoV亚属阳性,包括15个样本的NoV,SaV或GARV也呈阳性。在至少感染一种病毒的4596个样本中,有29个样本(0.63%)同时检测到多种病毒。 AstV和F AdenoV亚属与其他病毒的结合率显着高于NoV,SaV,GARV或GCRV。



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