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Do activity levels increase after total hip and knee arthroplasty?


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Background: People with osteoarthritis (OA) often are physically inactive. Surgical treatment including total hip arthroplasty or total knee arthroplasty can substantially improve pain, physical function, and quality of life. However, their impact on physical activity levels is less clear. Questions/purposes: We used accelerometers to measure levels of physical activity pre- and (6 months) postarthroplasty and to examine the proportion of people meeting the American Physical Activity Guidelines. Methods: Sixty-three people with hip or knee OA awaiting arthroplasty were recruited from a major metropolitan hospital. Physical activity was measured using accelerometry before, and 6 months after, surgery. The ActiGraph GT1M (ActiGraph LLC, Fort Walton Beach, FL, USA) was used in this study and is a uniaxial accelerometer contained within a small activity monitor designed to measure human movement through changes in acceleration, which can then be used to estimate physical activity over time. Questionnaires were used to assess patientreported changes in pain, function, quality of life, and physical activity. Complete data sets (including valid physical activity data) for both time points were obtained for 44 participants (70%). At baseline before arthroplasty, the activity level of patients was, on average, sedentary for 82% of the time over a 24-hour period (based on accelerometry) and self-rated as "sometimes participates in mild activities such as walking, limited shopping, and housework" according to the UCLA activity scale. Results: There was no change in objectively measured physical activity after arthroplasty. The majority of participants were sedentary, both before and after arthroplasty, and did not meet the American Physical Activity Guidelines recommended to promote health. This was despite significant improvements in self-reported measures of pain, function, quality of life, and physical activity after arthroplasty. Conclusions: Despite patient-reported improvements in pain, function, and physical activity after arthroplasty, objectively measured improvements in physical activity may not occur. Clinicians should incorporate strategies for improving physical activity into their management of patients after hip and knee arthroplasty to maximize health status. Future research is needed to explore the factors that impact physical activity levels in people after arthroplasty. Level of Evidence: Level IV, therapeutic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
机译:背景:患有骨关节炎(OA)的人通常身体不活跃。包括全髋关节置换术或全膝关节置换术在内的手术治疗可以大大改善疼痛,身体机能和生活质量。但是,它们对体育锻炼水平的影响尚不清楚。问题/目的:我们使用加速度计来测量人工关节成形术前后(6个月)的体育活动水平,并检查符合《美国体育活动指南》的人数比例。方法:从一家大都会医院招募了63名等待髋关节或膝关节置换术的髋关节或膝关节OA患者。术前和术后6个月使用加速度计测量身体活动。在这项研究中使用了ActiGraph GT1M(ActiGraph LLC,美国佛罗里达州沃尔顿堡滩),它是一种单轴加速度计,包含在小型活动监测器中,旨在通过加速度的变化来测量人的运动,然后可以用来估计身体活动随着时间的推移。问卷用于评估患者报告的疼痛,功能,生活质量和体育锻炼的变化。获得了这两个时间点的完整数据集(包括有效的体育锻炼数据),共有44位参与者(70%)。在关节置换术前的基线,患者的活动水平在24小时内平均定居在82%的时间里(基于加速度计),并自我评估为“有时参加轻微的活动,例如步行,购物受限,以及根据UCLA活动规模进行的家务”。结果:关节置换术后客观测量的身体活动没有改变。在关节置换术之前和之后,大多数参与者久坐不动,并且不符合建议的促进健康的《美国体育锻炼指南》。尽管自我报告的关节置换术后疼痛,功能,生活质量和身体活动的测量指标有显着改善,但仍存在这种情况。结论:尽管患者报告了关节置换术后疼痛,功能和体育活动的改善,但客观测量的体育活动却未见改善。临床医生应在髋关节和膝关节置换术后的患者管理中纳入改善身体活动的策略,以最大程度地提高健康状况。需要进行进一步的研究以探讨影响关节置换术后人们身体活动水平的因素。证据级别:IV级,治疗研究。有关证据水平的完整说明,请参见《作者指南》。



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