首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vascular surgery >Multiple pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms with a primary duodenal fistula

Multiple pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms with a primary duodenal fistula


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A 48-year-old woman presented with hematemesis and melena. She was a nonsmoker, with a history of hypercholesterolemia. There was no history of alcohol abuse or pancreatitis. She was investigated with a gastroscopy, capsule endoscopy, and push enteroscopy, all of which failed to demonstrate a source of bleeding. She had an episode of syncope associated with a drop in hemoglobin to 47g/L. A computed tomography angiogram demonstrated two saccular aneu-rysms arising from the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery measuring 2.5 X 1.9 cm and 2.0 X 2.6 cm, with the larger aneurysm closely abutting the third part of the duodenum. A 1.0-cm aneurysm in the distal splenic artery and a 90% celiac trunk stenosis was also identified (A/Cover and B).
机译:一名48岁妇女出现呕血和黑便。她是不吸烟者,有高胆固醇血症的病史。没有酗酒或胰腺炎的病史。对她进行了胃镜检查,胶囊内窥镜检查和推式肠镜检查,所有这些检查均未显示出血源。她出现晕厥,血红蛋白降至47g / L。电脑断层血管造影显示两个下十二指肠下动脉产生的囊状动脉瘤,分别为2.5 X 1.9 cm和2.0 X 2.6 cm,较大的动脉瘤紧靠十二指肠的第三部分。还发现脾脏远端动脉有1.0厘米的动脉瘤和90%的腹腔干狭窄(A / Cover和B)。



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