首页> 外文期刊>Journal of voice: official journal of the Voice Foundation >The prevalence of dysphonia, its association with immunomediated diseases and correlation with biochemical markers

The prevalence of dysphonia, its association with immunomediated diseases and correlation with biochemical markers


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Introduction: Patients with autoimmune diseases may suffer from hoarseness and voice disorders because of anatomical and functional alterations. Objectives: To assess the prevalence of dysphonia in rheumatic patients and its impact on their quality of life (QOL). To analyze the association of voice disorders in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and Sj?gren syndrome (SS). To determine if voice disorders during the acute phase of these diseases are correlated with specific biochemical parameters. Methods: Present an observational and transverse analytic study of 140 patients selected from February 2009 to January 2010. The subjects (80) were diagnosed with RA (44), SLE (32), and SS (4), and the control group (60) presented no voice disorders or rheumatic diseases. Patients were evaluated using the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) and a three items outcome scale (TIOS). A biochemical and C-reactive protein study was performed on 40 patients with a disease outbreak, measuring their complement, sedimentation velocity (VSG), and anti-DNA antibodies. Results: The prevalence of dysphonia among the subjects was 32-38% as opposed to 5-8% in the control group. The rheumatic patients presented an odds ratio (OR) for dysphonia of 2.82 (VHI) and 5.04 (TIOS) when compared with healthy individuals (P < 0.05). We found statistically significant differences in functional, physical, occupational, and emotional subscales of these tests. No significant differences were found when studying the biochemical parameters. A higher incidence of voice disorders (OR = 3.07) was associated with SLE, followed by RA (OR = 2.8; 95% CI). Conclusions: Systemic immunomediated diseases may associate voice disorders. Patients with SLE are those who develop these disorders more frequently. The biochemical parameters most affected during a crisis are VSG and anti-DNA antibodies.
机译:简介:自身免疫性疾病患者可能会由于解剖和功能改变而出现声音嘶哑和声音异常。目的:评估风湿病患者的言语障碍患病率及其对生活质量的影响。分析风湿性关节炎(RA),系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)和干燥综合征(SS)患者的语音障碍的关联。为了确定这些疾病急性期的声音障碍是否与特定的生化参数有关。方法:对2009年2月至2010年1月入选的140例患者进行观察和横向分析研究。受试者(80名)被诊断为RA(44),SLE(32),SS(4),对照组(60) )没有出现声音障碍或风湿病。使用语音障碍指数(VHI)和三项结果量表(TIOS)对患者进行评估。对40例疾病暴发患者进行了生化和C反应蛋白研究,测量了它们的补体,沉降速度(VSG)和抗DNA抗体。结果:受试者中的发声障碍患病率为32-38%,而对照组为5-8%。与健康个体相比,风湿病患者的发声困难比值比(OR)为2.82(VHI)和5.04(TIOS)(P <0.05)。我们发现这些测试的功能,身体,职业和情绪分量表在统计学上有显着差异。研究生化参数时未发现显着差异。 SLE伴发语音障碍的发生率较高(OR = 3.07),其次是RA(OR = 2.8; 95%CI)。结论:全身性免疫介导的疾病可能与语音障碍有关。 SLE患者是那些更常发生这些疾病的人。危机期间受影响最大的生化参数是VSG和抗DNA抗体。



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