首页> 外文期刊>Journal of voice: official journal of the Voice Foundation >Pathophysiology and treatment of muscle tension dysphonia: a review of the current knowledge.

Pathophysiology and treatment of muscle tension dysphonia: a review of the current knowledge.


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OBJECTIVE: Muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) is a clinical and diagnostic term describing a spectrum of disturbed vocal fold behavior caused by increased tension of the (para)laryngeal musculature. Recent knowledge introduced MTD as a bridge between functional and organic disorders. This review addresses the causal and contributing factors of MTD and evaluates the different treatment options. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE (Pubmed, 1950-2009) and CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2009). Studies were included if they reviewed the classification of functional dysphonia or the pathophysiology of MTD. Etiology and pathophysiology of MTD and circumlaryngeal manual therapy (CMT) were obligatory based on reviews and prospective cohort studies because randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are nonexisting. Concerning the treatment options of voice therapy and vocal hygiene, selection was based on RCTs and systematic reviews. RESULTS: Etiological factors can be categorized into three new subgroups: (1) psychological and/or personality factors, (2) vocal misuse and abuse, and (3) compensation for underlying disease. The effective treatment options for MTD are (1) indirect therapy: vocal hygiene and patient education; (2) direct therapy: voice therapy and CMT; (3) medical treatment; and (4) surgery for secondary organic lesions. CONCLUSIONS: MTD is the pathological condition in which an excessive tension of the (para)laryngeal musculature, caused by a diverse number of etiological factors, leads to a disturbed voice. Etiological factors range from psychological/personality disorders and vocal misuse/abuse to compensatory vocal habits in case of laryngopharyngeal reflux, upper airway infections, and organic lesions. MTD needs to be approached in a multidisciplinary setting where close cooperation between a laryngologist and a speech language pathologist is possible.
机译:目的:肌张力障碍(MTD)是一个临床和诊断术语,描述了由(副)喉部肌肉组织的张力增加引起的一系列声带折叠行为。最近的知识介绍MTD作为功能性和器质性疾病之间的桥梁。这项审查解决了MTD的因果和贡献因素,并评估了不同的治疗方案。方法:我们搜索了MEDLINE(1950-2009年出版)和CENTRAL(Cochrane图书馆,2009年第2期)。如果他们回顾了功能障碍的分类或MTD的病理生理学,则将其纳入研究。基于回顾和前瞻性队列研究,MTD的病因和病理生理是必需的,因为不存在随机对照试验(RCT)。关于声音疗法和声音卫生的治疗选择,选择基于RCT和系统评价。结果:病因可分为三个新的亚组:(1)心理和/或人格因素;(2)声音滥用和滥用;以及(3)对潜在疾病的补偿。 MTD的有效治疗选择是(1)间接治疗:声音卫生和患者教育; (2)直接疗法:声音疗法和CMT; (三)医疗; (4)继发性器质性病变的手术。结论:MTD是一种病理状况,其中由多种病因引起的(副)喉旁肌肉过度紧张导致声音受干扰。病因包括心理/人格障碍和声音误用/滥用,以及在喉咽反流,上呼吸道感染和器质性病变的情况下代偿性的声音习惯。 MTD需要在多学科的环境下进行,在这种情况下,喉科医生和言语病理学家之间可能会进行密切合作。



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