首页> 外文期刊>Journal of voice: official journal of the Voice Foundation >Vocal cysts: clinical, endoscopic, and surgical aspects.

Vocal cysts: clinical, endoscopic, and surgical aspects.


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SUMMARY: Vocal cysts are benign laryngeal lesions, which affect children and adults. They can be classified as epidermic or mucous-retention cyst. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to study the clinical, endoscopic, and surgical aspects of vocal cysts. METHODS: We reviewed the medical charts of 72 patients with vocal cysts, considering age, gender, occupation, time of vocal symptoms, nasosinusal and gastroesophageal symptoms, vocal abuse, tabagism, alcoholism, associated lesions, treatment, and histological details. RESULTS: Of the 72 cases, 46 were adults (36 females and 10 male) and 26 were children (eight girls and 18 boys). As far as occupation is concerned, there was a higher incidence of students and teachers. All the patients had symptoms of chronic hoarseness. Nasosinusal (27.77%) and gastroesophageal (32%) symptoms were not relevant. Vocal abuse was reported by 45.83%, smoking by 18%, and alcoholism by 8.4% of the patients. Unilateral cysts were seen in 93% of the cases, 22 patients had associated lesions, such as bridge, sulcus vocalis, and microweb. Surgical treatment was performed in 46 cases. Histological analysis of the epidermic cysts revealed a cavity with caseous content, covered by stratified squamous epithelium, often keratinized. Mucous cysts presented mucous content, and the walls were coated by a cylindrical ciliated epithelium. CONCLUSION: Vocal cysts are benign vocal fold lesions that affect children and adults, being often associated with vocal overuse, which frequently affects people who use their voices professionally. Vocal symptoms are chronic in course, often times since childhood, and the treatment of choice is surgical removal. A careful examination of the vocal folds is necessary during surgery, because other laryngeal lesions may be associated with vocal cysts.
机译:摘要:人声囊肿是喉部良性病变,会影响儿童和成人。它们可以分类为表皮或粘液保留性囊肿。目的:研究声带囊肿的临床,内窥镜和手术方面。方法:我们回顾了72例声带囊肿患者的病历,考虑了年龄,性别,职业,声带症状时间,鼻窦和胃食管症状,声带滥用,禁忌症,酒精中毒,相关病变,治疗和组织学细节。结果:在72例中,成人46例(女性36例,男性10例),儿童26例(8名女孩和18名男孩)。就职业而言,学生和教师的比例更高。所有患者均出现慢性嘶哑症状。鼻窦(27.77%)和胃食管(32%)症状无关。据报道,有45.83%的人发声滥用,18%的人吸烟,8.4%的人酗酒。 93%的病例可见单侧囊肿,其中22例伴有病变,如桥,声带沟和微网。手术治疗46例。对表皮囊肿的组织学分析显示,腔内呈干酪样,被分层的鳞状上皮覆盖,常被角化。粘液囊肿呈现粘液含量,壁被圆柱形纤毛上皮覆盖。结论:声带囊肿是影响儿童和成年人的良性声带病变,通常与声带过度使用有关,这经常影响专业使用声音的人。嗓音症状是慢性的,通常是从儿童时期开始的,因此选择的治疗方法是手术切除。手术期间必须仔细检查声带,因为其他喉部病变可能与声带囊肿有关。



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