首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Theoretical Biology >Evolution of translational machinery: Could translation termination come into being before elongation?

Evolution of translational machinery: Could translation termination come into being before elongation?


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The origin of modern translational apparatus is one of principal evolutionary questions. Great complexity of translational machinery makes it hard to divide the process of its evolution into a sequence of discrete steps each being beneficial or neutral for the system as a whole. In the recent paper, Taylor (2006) made an attempt to tackle this problem, presenting a molecular model for the origin of translational machinery in the RNA world, based on the quite generally accepted assumption that the ribosome originated from the ancestral RNA-based RNA polymer-ase (Gordon, 1995; Jeffares et al., 1998; Taylor, 2004). The RNA-based RNA polymerase itself is hypothesized as a first self-replicating molecule in the RNA world (Ma and Yu, 2006).
机译:现代翻译工具的起源是主要的进化问题之一。翻译机制的高度复杂性使得很难将其演化过程划分为一系列离散的步骤,每个步骤对整个系统都是有益或中立的。在最近的论文中,Taylor(2006)试图解决这个问题,提出了一个RNA模型翻译分子起源的分子模型,该模型基于一个公认的假设,即核糖体起源于基于祖先RNA的RNA聚合酶(Gordon,1995; Jeffares等,1998; Taylor,2004)。基于RNA的RNA聚合酶本身被认为是RNA世界中第一个自我复制分子(Ma and Yu,2006)。



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