首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Veterinary Behavior: clinical applications and research >Do vendors value safety in Thoroughbred horses in the Australian recreational riding horse market?

Do vendors value safety in Thoroughbred horses in the Australian recreational riding horse market?


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The purpose of this short report is to describe the influences on the pricing of Thoroughbred (TB) horses for the adult recreational riding market. Research into the association between horse breed and specific behaviors supports the view that some breeds are more reactive than others. There is anecdotal evidence that TBs may be more likely than other breeds to show traits that compromise rider safety. Having been bred for speed and reactivity, TBs may have reduced habituation tendencies. In addition, those that have raced may have had more training to accelerate than to decelerate and as such may be predisposed to uncontrollable flight responses. We examined data from advertisements to determine which descriptors influence the price of TBs (n = 220) entering the adult riding horse market. Linear regression analysis of log(price) revealed that variates such as a larger total sum of performance experience and bigger advertisements (P < 0.001), all significantly increased the price set by vendors. The inclusion of trail riding in the advertisement had a detrimental influence on price (P < 0.001). Dressage experience was associated with increased pricing (P = 0.002). The inclusion of positive descriptive terms associated with safety had a rather smaller and less significant effect (P = 0.012) on price. The average advertised price of $3,286 for a TB was significantly cheaper than the average advertised price of a non-TB horse ($7,384; P < 0.001). In contrast to the findings for the ponies and non-TBs previously reported using the same method, reassuring descriptors had a significant positive influence on price of TBs. These data confirm that TBs are valued differently to other breeds in the Australian adult riding horse market. Crown Copyright (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:这份简短报告的目的是描述成年休闲骑行市场对纯种(TB)马价格的影响。对马品种与特定行为之间的关联进行的研究支持以下观点:某些品种比其他品种更具反应性。有轶事证据表明,结核病可能比其他品种显示出危害骑手安全的特征。 TB因其速度和反应性而被培养,其习惯化倾向可能降低。此外,参加比赛的人可能受过更多的训练,要比加速要减速,因此可能会导致飞行反应无法控制。我们检查了广告中的数据,以确定哪些描述符影响进入成年骑乘马市场的结核病(n = 220)的价格。对数(价格)的线性回归分析显示,诸如较大的性能体验总和和较大的广告(P <0.001)之类的变量,都显着提高了供应商设定的价格。广告中包含骑行对价格有不利影响(P <0.001)。盛装舞步的经验与价格上涨相关(P = 0.002)。与安全性相关的正面描述性术语对价格的影响较小(P = 0.012)。结核病的平均广告价格为3,286美元,比非结核病马的平均广告价格便宜(7,384美元; P <0.001)。与以前使用相同方法报道的小马和非结核病的发现相反,放心的描述语对结核病的价格具有显着的积极影响。这些数据证实,在澳大利亚成年骑乘马市场中,结核病的价值与其他品种的价值不同。 Crown版权(C)2015,由Elsevier Inc.出版。保留所有权利。



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