首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research >Complications of the Lateral Transpsoas Approach for Lumbar Interbody Arthrodesis

Complications of the Lateral Transpsoas Approach for Lumbar Interbody Arthrodesis


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Background The lateral transpsoas approach to the lumbar spine was developed to eliminate the need for an anterior-approach surgeon and retraction of the great vessels and has the potential for shorter operative times. However, the reported complications associated with this approach vary.Questions/purposes We identified the incidence of complications associated with the lateral transpsoas approach to the lumbar spine.Patients and Methods We retrospectively reviewed 45 patients who underwent a lateral transpsoas approach to the spine for various diagnoses between January 1,2006, and October 31,2010. The patients' average age was 63.3 years. Sixteen (35.6%) patients had prior lumbar spinal surgery. Twenty-one patients (46.7%) underwent supplemental posterior instrumentation. Minimum followup was 0 months (mean, 11 months; range, 0-34 months). Results Eighteen of the 45 patients (40%) had complications: 10 (22.2%) developed postoperative iliopsoas weakness, three had quadriceps weakness, and one experienced foot drop. Eight patients (17.8%) developed anterior thigh hypoesthesia, which did not fully resolve in seven of the eight patients at an average of 9 months' followup. Three patients had postoperative radiculopathies, one a durotomy, and one died postoperatively from a pulmonary embolism.Conclusions We found a 40% incidence of complications and a nontrivial frequency and severity of postoperative weakness, numbness, and radicular pain in patients who underwent a lateral transpsoas approach to the spine. Given the expanding use of the approach, a thorough understanding of the risks associated with it is essential for patient education, medical decision making, and identifying methods of reducing such complications. Level of Evidence Level IV, therapeutic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
机译:背景技术经腰椎外侧入路术的开发是为了消除对前路手术医生的需要和大血管的回缩,并且有可能缩短手术时间。然而,报道的与这种方法相关的并发症有所不同。问题/目的我们确定了经侧入椎骨入路到腰椎的并发症的发生率。患者和方法我们回顾性回顾了45例接受了经侧入椎骨入路入路的各种患者。诊断在2006年1月1日至2010年10月31日之间。患者的平均年龄为63.3岁。十六名(35.6%)患者曾接受过腰椎手术。 21例(46.7%)患者接受了后路辅助器械治疗。最小随访时间为0个月(平均11个月;范围0-34个月)。结果45例患者中有18例(40%)发生并发症:10例(22.2%)术后出现了op骨肌无力,3例股四头肌无力,其中1例发生了足下垂。 8例患者(17.8%)发展为大腿前部感觉不足,平均随访9个月,这8例患者中有7例没有完全解决。 3例患者发生了放射神经根病,其中1例进行了硬膜切开术,1例患者死于肺栓塞。结论我们发现,经侧位输卵管结扎术的患者发生并发症的发生率为40%,且术后无力,麻木和神经根疼痛的发生率和严重程度不低。接近脊椎。考虑到该方法的广泛使用,对与之相关的风险的透彻了解对于患者教育,医疗决策以及确定减少此类并发症的方法至关重要。证据级别第四级,治疗研究。有关证据水平的完整说明,请参见《作者指南》。



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