首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the National Cancer Institute >Quantitative association between HER-2eu and steroid hormone receptors in hormone receptor-positive primary breast cancer.

Quantitative association between HER-2eu and steroid hormone receptors in hormone receptor-positive primary breast cancer.

机译:激素受体阳性原发性乳腺癌中HER-2 / neu与类固醇激素受体之间的定量关联。

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BACKGROUND: HER-2eu, which encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase, is amplified and overexpressed in 20%-25% of human breast cancers. Such tumors are often resistant to hormone therapy. Despite a general inverse association between HER-2eu amplification/overexpression and estrogen receptor (ER) and/or progesterone receptor (PR) expression, a fraction of patients are both HER-2eu- and hormone receptor (HR)-positive. The efficacy of hormone therapy in this group is currently a matter of debate. To better understand the relationship between HER-2eu positivity and HR expression, we analyzed HER-2eu, ER, and PR as continuous variables in breast cancer cell lines and two cohorts of primary breast cancer patients. METHODS: HER-2eu and ER/PR expression was analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and enzyme immunoassay (EIA), respectively, in 14 human breast cancer cell lines, some of which had been transfected with the HER-2eu gene. For the clinical study population, HER-2eu protein levels were assessed by ELISA (cohort A, n = 665), and HER-2eu gene copy number was determined using fluorescence in situ hybridization (cohort B, n = 894). ER/PR expression was analyzed by EIA (cohort A) or radioligand binding (cohort B). Associations between HER-2eu and ER/PR expression were analyzed using Spearman's rho correlation and the chi-square test, and absolute levels were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS: HR-positive human breast cancer cell lines transfected with the HER-2eu gene expressed statistically significantly lower levels of ER and PR than parental lines. In the clinical cohorts, levels of HER-2eu overexpression and gene amplification were inversely correlated with ER/PR levels (Cohort A [n = 112]: for ER, r = -0.34, P<.001; for PR, r = -0.24, P =.010. Cohort B [n = 188]: for ER, r = -0.39, P<.001; for PR, r = -0.26, P<.001). Among patients with HR-positive tumors, HER-2eu-positive tumors had statistically significantly lower ER/PR levels than HER-2eu-negative ones (Cohort A: for ER, median = 25 fmol/mg [interquartile range [IQR] = 13-78] versus median = 38.5 fmol/mg [IQR = 17-99] and P =.031; for PR, median = 35 fmol/mg [IQR = 12-119] versus median = 88.5 fmol/mg [IQR = 22-236] and P<.001. Cohort B: for ER, median = 44 fmol/mg [IQR = 13-156] versus median = 92 fmol/mg [IQR = 35-235] and P<.001; for PR, median = 36 fmol/mg [IQR = 13-108] versus median = 84 fmol/mg [IQR = 24-250] and P<.001). Patients with higher levels of HER-2eu overexpression or amplification had statistically significantly lower levels of ER/PR than patients with lower levels of HER-2eu overexpression or amplification. CONCLUSION: Because absolute HR levels are strongly related to response to hormone therapy in primary and advanced breast cancer, reduced ER/PR expression may be one mechanism to explain the relative resistance of HER-2eu-positive:HR-positive tumors to hormone therapy.
机译:背景:编码受体酪氨酸激酶的HER-2 / neu在20%-25%的人类乳腺癌中被扩增和过表达。这样的肿瘤通常对激素治疗有抵抗力。尽管HER-2 / neu扩增/过表达与雌激素受体(ER)和/或孕激素受体(PR)表达之间存在普遍的逆相关性,但仍有一部分患者的HER-2 / neu和激素受体(HR)阳性。目前这一组中激素疗法的疗效尚有争议。为了更好地了解HER-2 / neu阳性与HR表达之间的关系,我们分析了HER-2 / neu,ER和PR作为乳腺癌细胞系和两个原发性乳腺癌患者队列中的连续变量。方法:通过酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)和酶联免疫测定(EIA)分别分析了14例人类乳腺癌细胞系中的HER-2 / neu和ER / PR表达,其中一些已经用HER- 2 / neu基因。对于临床研究人群,通过ELISA评估HER-2 / neu蛋白水平(队列A,n = 665),使用荧光原位杂交测定HER-2 / neu基因拷贝数(队列B,n = 894)。 。通过EIA(队列A)或放射性配体结合(队列B)分析ER / PR表达。使用Spearman的rho相关性和卡方检验分析HER-2 / neu和ER / PR表达之间的关联,并使用Mann-Whitney U检验比较绝对水平。所有统计检验都是双面的。结果:转染了HER-2 / neu基因的HR阳性人乳腺癌细胞系的ER和PR水平在统计学上显着低于亲本系。在临床队列中,HER-2 / neu过表达和基因扩增水平与ER / PR水平呈负相关(队列A [n = 112]:对于ER,r = -0.34,P <.001;对于PR,r = -0.24,P = .010。同类群组B [n = 188]:对于ER,r = -0.39,P <.001;对于PR,r = -0.26,P <.001)。在HR阳性肿瘤患者中,HER-2 / neu阳性肿瘤的ER / PR水平在统计学上显着低于HER-2 / neu阴性肿瘤(队列A:对于ER,中位数= 25 fmol / mg [四分位数范围[ IQR] = 13-78]与中位数= 38.5 fmol / mg [IQR = 17-99]和P = .031;对于PR,中位数= 35 fmol / mg [IQR = 12-119]与中位数= 88.5 fmol / mg [IQR = 22-236]和P <.001。组别B:对于ER,中位数= 44 fmol / mg [IQR = 13-156]与中位数= 92 fmol / mg [IQR = 35-235]和P <。 001;对于PR,中位数= 36 fmol / mg [IQR = 13-108],而中位数= 84 fmol / mg [IQR = 24-250],P <.001)。 HER-2 / neu过表达或扩增水平较高的患者与HER-2 / neu过表达或扩增水平较低的患者相比,ER / PR水平在统计学上显着降低。结论:由于绝对HR水平与原发性和晚期乳腺癌的激素治疗反应密切相关,因此ER / PR表达降低可能是解释HER-2 / neu阳性:HR阳性肿瘤对激素的相对耐药性的一种机制。治疗。



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