首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition >Volatile Compounds in Liquor Distilled from Mash Produced Using Koji or Nunik under Reduced or Atmospheric Pressure

Volatile Compounds in Liquor Distilled from Mash Produced Using Koji or Nunik under Reduced or Atmospheric Pressure


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In this study, volatile compounds in hquor distiUed from mash produced using koji or nuruk under reduced or atmospheric pressme were analyzed and eventually, the proper starter material and distillation method was selected. Acetaldehyde was detected two or three tunes more in the hquor distiUed under the atmospheric pressure than under the reduced pressure. Furfural was only detected in the hquor distilled under the atmospheric pressure. Esters were detected more in the liquor distilled under the atmospheric pressure than the reduced pressure. Ethyl pelargonate and 2-phenyl ethanol were particularly detected two times more in the liquor distilled under the atmospheric pressure than the reduced pressure. Methanol was detected two times more in the hquor made with nuruk than that with koji. These results suggest that the hquor distilled from the mash produced using koji under the reduced pressure may have the better quality.



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