首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Geological Society of India >Mineral Chemistry and Alteration Characteristics of Spinel in Serpentinised Peridotites from the Northern Central Indian Ridge

Mineral Chemistry and Alteration Characteristics of Spinel in Serpentinised Peridotites from the Northern Central Indian Ridge


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Serpentinites (frequently cross cut by gabbroic dikelet), collected from Northern Central Indian Ridge (NCIR), Indian Ocean, contain both Cr-rich (Group I) and Cr-poor (Group II) variety of spinel. Based on mineralogy they can be classified as non-residual and residual spinel, respectively. While, non residual spinel (TiO2 up to 0.5 wt %; Group I) display the evidences of peridotite-gabbro interaction, residual spinel (TiO2 < 0.1 wt%; Cr# similar to 24; Group II), suggests intermediate degree of partial melting (similar to 10%) of mantle peridotite, which falls between most depleted mantle peridotite (similar to 15%) and most fertile peridotite (similar to 5%). Alteration of spinel porphyroclast is conceded by the presence of relict fresh interior, intermediate ferritchromit zone and secondary magnetite at the margins. Due to the effect of serpentinisation, marginal areas of spinel porphyroclasts display increasing Fe, but decreasing Al and Mg, while their Cr content remains unaffected throughout the spinel.
机译:从印度洋北部中部印度洋脊(NCIR)收集的蛇纹岩(通常由辉长岩二尖瓣横切),既含有富铬(I类)也包括贫铬(II类)尖晶石。根据矿物学,它们可以分别分为非残留尖晶石和残留尖晶石。非残余尖晶石(TiO2含量最高为0.5 wt%; I组)显示出橄榄岩-长石相互作用的证据,而残余尖晶石(TiO2 <0.1 wt%; Cr#类似于24; II组)表明部分熔融处于中等程度(约10%)的地幔橄榄岩,介于最贫乏的地幔橄榄岩(约15%)和最肥沃的橄榄岩(约5%)之间。尖锐的内生,内部铁素体铬铁矿区和边缘的次生磁铁矿的存在使尖晶石卟啉的改变成为可能。由于蛇纹石化的作用,尖晶石卟啉菌的边缘区域显示出增加的Fe,但Al和Mg下降,而它们的Cr含量在整个尖晶石中均不受影响。



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