首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society: JINS >Sleep onset/maintenance difficulties and cognitive function in nondemented older adults: The role of cognitive reserve

Sleep onset/maintenance difficulties and cognitive function in nondemented older adults: The role of cognitive reserve


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This study examined the relationship between cognitive function and sleep onset/maintenance difficulties (SO/MD) in nondemented older adults. We hypothesized that SO/MD negatively impacts cognition and that older adults with lower education would be especially vulnerable to its effects. The sample comprised 549 older adults from the Einstein Aging Study (EAS), a community-based cohort. Participants completed neuropsychological assessment and a sleep questionnaire. Univariate ANCOVAs were performed with cognitive performance as a dependent variable, SO/MD (present or absent) and education (lower: ≤12 years; higher: >12 years) as between-subjects factors, and age, ethnicity, gender, depression, and cardiovascular comorbidies as covariates. Participants were an average age of 79.7 ± 5.0 years (range = 71-97 years). Fifty-seven percent (n = 314) of the sample met criteria for SO/MD. Among participants with SO/MD, those with lower education performed more poorly on a test of category fluency than participants with higher education (means: 35.2 vs. 41.0; p <.001); among older adults without SO/MD, educational attainment had no measurable effect on cognition (SO/MD × education interaction (F(1,536) = 14.5; p =.00)). Consistent with the cognitive reserve hypothesis, older adults with lower education appear selectively vulnerable to the negative effects of sleep onset/maintenance difficulties on tests of verbal fluency.
机译:这项研究检查了非痴呆老年人的认知功能与睡眠发作/维持困难(SO / MD)之间的关系。我们假设SO / MD对认知产生负面影响,受过较低教育的老年人尤其容易受到其影响。该样本包括来自以社区为基础的爱因斯坦衰老研究(EAS)的549位老年人。参加者完成了神经心理学评估和睡眠问卷。单变量ANCOVA的执行以认知表现为因变量,SO / MD(有无)和受教育程度(低:≤12岁;高:> 12岁)作为受试者之间的因素,以及年龄,种族,性别,抑郁,和心血管合并症为协变量。参加者的平均年龄为79.7±5.0岁(范围= 71-97岁)。样本的百分之五十七(n = 314)符合SO / MD标准。在具有SO / MD的参与者中,受过高等教育的参与者在类别流利度测试中的表现比受过高等教育的参与者表现差(均值:35.2 vs. 41.0; p <.001);在没有SO / MD的老年人中,教育程度对认知没有可测量的影响(SO / MD×教育互动(F(1,536)= 14.5; p = .00))。与认知储备假说相一致,受教育程度较低的老年人似乎选择性地易受睡眠发作/维持困难对口语流利性测试的负面影响。



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