首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences >The Construction of Mind, Self, and Society: The Social Process Behind G. H. Mead'S Social Psychology

The Construction of Mind, Self, and Society: The Social Process Behind G. H. Mead'S Social Psychology

机译:精神,自我和社会的建构:G。H. Mead社会心理学背后的社会过程

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Mind, Self, and Society, the posthumously published volume by which George Herbert Mead is primarily known, poses acute problems of interpretation so long as scholarship does not consider the actual process of its construction. This paper utilizes extensive archival correspondence and notes in order to analyze this process in depth. The analysis demonstrates that the published form of the book is the result of a consequential interpretive process in which social actors manipulated textual documents within given practical constraints over a course of time. The paper contributes to scholarship on Mead by indicating how this process made possible certain understandings of his social psychology and by relocating the materials that make up the single published text within the disparate contexts from which they were originally drawn.
机译:精神,自我和社会,主要是乔治·赫伯特·米德(George Herbert Mead)在死后出版的书中,提出了尖锐的解释问题,只要学术不考虑其构建的实际过程。本文利用广泛的档案通信和注释来深入分析此过程。分析表明,该书的出版形式是相应解释过程的结果,在该过程中,社会行为者会在给定的实际约束下随时间推移操纵文本文档。该论文通过表明这一过程如何使人们对他的社会心理学有一定的理解,并通过在构成原始文本的不同上下文中重新定位构成单个已出版文本的材料,为Mead的研究做出了贡献。



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