首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences >Parapsychology on the couch: The psychology of occult belief in Germany, c. 1870-1939

Parapsychology on the couch: The psychology of occult belief in Germany, c. 1870-1939

机译:沙发上的超心理学:德国的神秘信仰心理学,c。 1870-1939年

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This article considers the attempts of academic psychologists and critical occultists in Germany during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to construct a psychology of occult belief. While they claimed that the purpose of this new subdiscipline was to help evaluate the work of occult researchers, the emergence of a psychology of occult belief in Germany served primarily to pathologize parapsychology and its practitioners. Not to be outdone, however, parapsychologists argued that their adversaries suffered from a morbid inability to accept the reality of the paranormal. Unable to resolve through experimental means the dispute over who should be allowed to mold the public's understanding of the occult, both sides resorted to defaming their opponent. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:本文考虑了19世纪末至20世纪初德国学术心理学家和批判神秘学家为建构神秘信仰心理学所做的尝试。尽管他们声称这个新的子学科的目的是帮助评估神秘学家的工作,但德国的神秘主义心理学的出现主要是为超心理学及其实践者提供病理学服务。然而,超心理学家不甘示弱,认为他们的对手病态地无法接受超自然现象的现实。双方都无法通过实验手段解决有关应允许谁塑造公众对神秘学的理解的争执,双方诉求诽谤对手。 (c)2006年Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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