首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences >One 'Both' Sex'es' : Observations, Suppositions, and Airy Speculations on Fetal Sex Anatomy in British Scientific Literature, 1794-1871

One 'Both' Sex'es' : Observations, Suppositions, and Airy Speculations on Fetal Sex Anatomy in British Scientific Literature, 1794-1871


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The hegemony of the two-sex paradigm in the European scientific imagination and wider culture did not automatically equate to the hegemony of two discrete genders. In fact, two sexes facilitated a variety of gender choices: two singular and a number of double or otherwise inter-sexed (most commonly referred to as "hermaphrodite" or "bisexual" in its anatomical sense). This article explores some key British medical and allied scientific texts, with reference to associated Continental literature, as a means of illustrating the complexity of the two-sex paradigm and the unexpected transformation of gender possibilities that it helped produce through the early and middle decades of the nineteenth century. Discourses surrounding the first direct observations of the earliest development of fetal urinogenital anatomy were pivotal. The prevailing view that the incipient embryo was sexually undifferentiated (a paragon of the one-sex paradigm) was challenged by the Edinburgh anatomist Robert Knox, initially as he sought to bolster his professional reputation at the height of the Burke and Hare "body-snatching" scandal. Knox suggested that every embryo began life in an essentially dual-sexed state, an individual's sex anatomy depending on the greater or lesser development of component female and male structures. Greater clarification on the contested status of the homology-hermaphrodite distinction was achieved with the discovery of the early coexistence of the excretory duct of the Wolffian body (mesonephric duct) and the Mullerian duct (paramesonephric duct), an observation that made anatomical bisexuality difficult to ignore. The nineteenth-century's greatest champion of primordial hermaphroditism was Charles Darwin who was pivotal in phylogenizing the principle and establishing the premise that (in his own words) "Every man & woman is hermaphrodite," a foundation stone of late-nineteenth-century sexology.
机译:欧洲科学想象力和更广泛的文化中的两性范式霸权并不能自动等同于两个离散性别的霸权。实际上,两个性别促进了多种性别选择:两个单数和多个双性恋或以其他方式性交(在解剖学意义上最常称为“雌雄同体”或“双性恋”)。本文探索了一些重要的英国医学和相关科学文献,并参考了相关的大陆文献,以此来说明两性范式的复杂性以及在二十年代初期和中期帮助产生的性别可能性的意外转变。十九世纪。关于胎儿泌尿生殖器解剖学最早发展的第一个直接观察的论述是至关重要的。爱丁堡解剖学家罗伯特·诺克斯(Robert Knox)提出了一种普遍接受的观点,即最初的胚胎在性别上是未分化的(单性范式的典范),最初是因为他试图在伯克和野兔的“身体抢夺”高峰期巩固自己的专业声誉。 ”丑闻。诺克斯建议,每个胚胎都以一种基本上是两性的状态开始生活,一个人的性别结构取决于雌雄两性结构的发展情况。通过发现沃尔夫氏体排泄管(中肾管)和穆勒氏管(副中肾管)的早期共存,对同源性-雌雄同体区别的有争议的地位有了更大的澄清,这一发现使得解剖学上的双性恋很难忽视。查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)是19世纪原始雌雄同体学的最伟大拥护者,他在系统化该原理和建立前提(以他自己的话说)“每个男人和女人都是雌雄同体”(这是19世纪末性别学的奠基石)方面发挥了关键作用。



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