首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Geriatrics Society >Vitamin E and lipid peroxide plasma levels predict the risk of cardiovascular events in a group of healthy very old people.

Vitamin E and lipid peroxide plasma levels predict the risk of cardiovascular events in a group of healthy very old people.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess whether systemic oxidative stress can predict the risk of first myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and congestive heart failure. DESIGN: A longitudinal study started in 1992 and completed in 1997. SETTING: Community-based, outpatient. PARTICIPANTS: 102 apparently healthy, community-dwelling subjects age 80 and older from the Vibrata valley, Teramo, Italy. MEASUREMENTS: Plasma vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, fluorescent products of lipid peroxidation (FPLPs), and serum lipids were determined at enrollment. RESULTS: Thirty-two cardiovascular events were recorded in 47.4 months of follow-up. The subjects with vitamin E levels in the highest quartile had a risk of cardiovascular events one-sixth those with vitamin E levels in the lowest quartile (relative risk (RR) = 0.16; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.04-0.55). The subjects with FPLPs in the highest quartile had a risk seven times greater than those with FPLPs in the lowest quartile (RR = 7.61; 95% CI = 2.23-25.96). No association was observed for vitamin C, beta-carotene, or total cholesterol. Multivariate adjustment for known risk factors did not significantly change the results. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that in apparently healthy, community-dwelling very old subjects, base-line plasma concentration of vitamin E and FPLPs predicts the risk of future cardiovascular events. We confirm previous data showing that total cholesterol is not a predictor of cardiovascular disease in people age 80 and older.
机译:目的:评估全身性氧化应激是否可以预测首次心肌梗塞,缺血性中风和充血性心力衰竭的风险。设计:一项纵向研究始于1992年,并于1997年完成。地点:社区门诊。参与者:来自意大利Teramo的Vibrata谷地的102名年龄在80岁及以上的健康,社区居民受试者。测量:在入组时测定血浆维生素E,β-胡萝卜素,维生素C,脂质过氧化荧光产物(FPLP)和血清脂质。结果:在47.4个月的随访中记录了32例心血管事件。四分位数最高的维生素E受试者的心血管事件风险是四分位数最低的维生素E的受试者的六分之一(相对风险(RR)= 0.16; 95%置信区间(CI)= 0.04-0.55)。在四分位数最高的人群中,FPLPs的风险是在四分位数最低的人群中的风险高七倍(RR = 7.61; 95%CI = 2.23-25.96)。没有观察到维生素C,β-胡萝卜素或总胆固醇的关联。已知风险因素的多变量调整并未显着改变结果。结论:我们的结果表明,在表面健康,居住在社区中的非常老的受试者中,维生素E和FPLP的基线血浆浓度可预测未来发生心血管事件的风险。我们确认先前的数据表明,总胆固醇不是80岁及以上人群心血管疾病的预测指标。



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