首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences >An enhanced moisture convergence - Evaporation feedback mechanism for MJO air-sea interaction

An enhanced moisture convergence - Evaporation feedback mechanism for MJO air-sea interaction


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Simulations using an atmospheric model forced with observed SST climatology and the same atmospheric model coupled to a slab-ocean model are used to investigate the role of air-sea interaction on the dynamics of the MJO. Slab-ocean coupling improved the MJO in Australia's Bureau of Meteorology atmospheric model over the Indo-Pacific warm pool by reducing its period from 70-100 to 45-70 days, thereby showing better agreement with the 30-80-day observed oscillation. Air-sea coupling improves the MJO by increasing the moisture flux in the lower troposphere prior to the passage of active convection, which acts to promote convection and precipitation on the eastern flank of the main convective center. This process is triggered by an increase in surface evaporation over positive SST anomalies ahead of the MJO convection, which are driven by the enhanced shortwave radiation in the region of suppressed convection. This in turn generates enhanced convergence into the region, which supports evaporation-wind feedback in the presence of weak background westerly winds. A subsequent increase in low-level moisture convergence acts to further moisten the lower troposphere in advance of large-scale convection in a region of reduced atmospheric pressure. This destabilizing mechanism is referred to as enhanced moisture convergaence-evaporation feedback (EMCEF) and is utilized to understand the role of air-sea coupling on the observed MJO. The EMCEF mechanism also reconciles traditionally opposing ideas on the roles of frictional wave-conditional instability of the second kind (CISK) and wind-evaporation feedback. These results support the idea that the MJO is primarily an atmospheric phenomenon, with air-sea interaction improving upon, but not critical for, its existence in the model.
机译:使用强迫观测的SST气候学的大气模型和耦合至平板海洋模型的相同大气模型进行模拟,以研究海气相互作用对MJO动力学的作用。板块-海洋耦合通过将其周期从70-100天减少到45-70天,从而改善了澳大利亚气象局印度洋-太平洋暖池大气中的MJO,从而与观察到的30-80天振荡更好地吻合。海对流耦合通过在主动对流通过之前增加对流层下部的水分通量来改善MJO,这有助于促进主要对流中心东侧的对流和降水。该过程是由MJO对流之前的正SST异常引起的表面蒸发增加所触发的,该异常由对流区域内增强的短波辐射驱动。反过来,这会增强该区域的收敛性,在存在弱背景西风的情况下支持蒸发风反馈。随后在低气压区域内的大规模对流之前,低水平水分汇聚的增加起到了进一步润湿低层对流层的作用。这种破坏稳定的机制被称为增强的水分汇聚蒸发反馈(EMCEF),用于了解海海耦合对观测到的MJO的作用。 EMCEF机制还调和了关于第二种摩擦波条件不稳定性(CISK)和风蒸发反馈的作用的传统对立观点。这些结果支持了MJO主要是一种大气现象的想法,其气海相互作用改善了该模型中的存在,但对其存在并不关键。



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