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Self-aggregation and large-scale control of tropical deep convection: A modeling study


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The Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model version 5 (MM5) is used to investigate whether superclusters represent a mode of self-aggregation of tropical deep convection that occurs spontaneously under horizontally uniform boundary conditions and large-scale forcings. The nonhydrostatic version of MM5 is run with prescribed domain-averaged vertical velocity and periodic boundary conditions in both east-west and north-south directions. Domain-averaged horizontal winds are relaxed to a specified reference wind profile. Two vertical profiles of mean ascent are used. One has an elevated maximum at the upper troposphere and near-zero vertical velocity in the lower troposphere. The other peaks at the midtroposphere, representing the vertical velocity distribution of convective towers only. Simulations with the same initial conditions but two different forcings show significant differences in convective organization. The run with elevated forcing develops larger cloud clusters than the run with midtropospheric forcing, suggesting some degree of self-aggregation under favorable large-scale forcings. A Fourier analysis of the precipitation organization in the elevated forcing run indicates considerable variance in propagating waves of wavelength 1000-2000 km in which convective heating is positively correlated with temperature and moisture anomalies. Sensitivity tests show that the long-wavelength organization does not require horizontal variability of surface fluxes and so cannot be explained by wind-induced surface heat exchange (WISHE)-type mechanisms. Sensitivity tests of model results to magnitude and vertical distribution of forcings, cloud-radiation feedbacks, reference wind profiles, and grid resolution are also conducted. [References: 37]
机译:宾夕法尼亚州立大学国家大气研究中心中尺度模型版本5(MM5)用于研究超团簇是否代表热带深对流的自聚集模式,该模式是在水平均匀边界条件和大规模强迫作用下自发发生的。 MM5的非静压版本在东西方向和南北方向上均按规定的域平均垂直速度和周期性边界条件运行。将域平均水平风放宽到指定的参考风廓线。使用两个平均上升的垂直剖面。一个在较高的对流层具有最大值,而在较低的对流层具有接近零的垂直速度。对流层中的其他峰仅代表对流塔的垂直速度分布。在相同的初始条件但两个不同的强迫条件下进行的模拟显示对流组织的显着差异。强迫作用升高的过程比对流层强迫作用产生的云团更大,这表明在有利的大规模强迫作用下一定程度的自聚集。对升高的强迫运行中的降水组织进行的傅里叶分析表明,在波长为1000-2000 km的传播波中,波动很大,对流加热与温度和湿度异常呈正相关。敏感性测试表明,长波长组织不需要表面通量的水平变化,因此不能用风致表面热交换(WISHE)型机制来解释。还对模型结果对强迫的大小和垂直分布,云辐射反馈,参考风廓线和网格分辨率进行了敏感性测试。 [参考:37]



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