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Thyrotropin-lowering effect of metformin in a patient with resistance to thyroid hormone.


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Recent studies have shown that metformin administered to patients with untreated hypothyroidism or to hypothyroid patients effectively treated with levothyroxine reduces plasma thyrotropin levels, often to subnormal levels, which is not accompanied by the changes in total and free thyroid hormone levels. Interestingly, metformin effect on plasma thyrotropin is not observed if metformin is given to patients with normal thyroid function. To date, the exact mechanism responsible for the decrease in plasma thyrotropin in hypothyroid patients remains unknown. Metformin may change the affinity and/or number of thyroid hormone receptors, enhance gastrointestinal absorption of levothyroxine, produce subtle changes in thyroid hormone protein binding or affect thyroid hormone metabolism. The reported case of a 28-year-old male with resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) may in part explain this mechanism. RTH is an inherited syndrome characterised by reduced target tissue responsiveness to thyroid hormone action. Subjects suffering from RTH have raised plasma thyroid hormone levels and raised or inappropriately normal thyrotropin levels that respond to TRH and goiter. RTH may be generalized, or limited either to the pituitary or peripheral tissues, and patients with all forms of RTH differ in their clinical presentation.
机译:最近的研究表明,对未经治疗的甲状腺功能减退症患者或对乙酰甲状腺素有效治疗的甲状腺功能减退患者服用二甲双胍,可使血浆促甲状腺激素水平降低,通常降至低于正常水平,这并不伴随总甲状腺激素和游离甲状腺激素水平的变化。有趣的是,如果甲状腺功能正常的患者服用二甲双胍,则未观察到二甲双胍对血浆促甲状腺激素的作用。迄今为止,甲状腺功能减退患者血浆促甲状腺激素降低的确切机制尚不清楚。二甲双胍可能会改变甲状腺激素受体的亲和力和/或数量,增强胃肠道对左甲状腺素的吸收,使甲状腺激素蛋白结合发生细微变化或影响甲状腺激素代谢。报道的28岁男性对甲状腺激素(RTH)耐药的病例可能部分解释了这种机制。 RTH是一种遗传综合征,其特征在于靶组织对甲状腺激素作用的反应性降低。患有RTH的受试者血浆甲状腺激素水平升高,对TRH和甲状腺肿有反应的正常促甲状腺激素水平升高或升高。 RTH可能是全身性的,或仅限于垂体或周围组织,患有各种形式的RTH的患者在临床表现上有所不同。



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