首页> 外文期刊>Clinical EEG and neuroscience: official journal of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ENCS) >EEG topography and tomography (LORETA) in the classification and evaluation of the pharmacodynamics of psychotropic drugs.

EEG topography and tomography (LORETA) in the classification and evaluation of the pharmacodynamics of psychotropic drugs.


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By multi-lead computer-assisted quantitative analyses of human scalp-recorded electroencephalogram (QEEG) in combination with certain statistical procedures (quantitative pharmaco-EEG) and mapping techniques (pharmaco-EEG mapping or topography), it is possible to classify psychotropic substances and objectively evaluate their bioavailability at the target organ, the human brain. Specifically, one may determine at an early stage of drug development whether a drug is effective on the central nervous system (CNS) compared with placebo, what its clinical efficacy will be like, at which dosage it acts, when it acts and the equipotent dosages of different galenic formulations. Pharmaco-EEG maps of neuroleptics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, hypnotics, psychostimulants and nootropics/cognition-enhancing drugs will be described. Methodological problems, as well as the relationships between acute and chronic drug effects, alterations in normal subjects and patients, CNS effects and therapeutic efficacy will be discussed. Imaging of drug effects on the regional brain electrical activity of healthy subjects by means of EEG tomography such as low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) has been used for identifying brain areas predominantly involved in psychopharmacological action. This will be shown for the representative drugs of the four main psychopharmacological classes, such as 3 mg haloperidol for neuroleptics, 20 mg citalopram for antidepressants, 2 mg lorazepam for tranquilizers and 20 mg methylphenidate for psychostimulants. LORETA demonstrates that these psychopharmacological classes affect brain structures differently. By considering these differences between psychotropic drugs and placebo in normal subjects, as well as between mental disorder patients and normal controls, it may be possible to choose the optimum drug for a specific patient according to a key-lock principle, since the drug should normalize the deviant brain function. Thus, pharmaco-EEG topography and tomography are valuable methods in human neuropsychopharmacology, clinical psychiatry and neurology.
机译:通过多头计算机辅助对人类头皮记录的脑电图(QEEG)进行定量分析,并结合某些统计程序(定量pharmaco-EEG)和绘图技术(pharmaco-EEG绘图或地形图),可以对精神药物和客观地评估其在目标器官(人脑)的生物利用度。具体而言,可以确定在药物开发的早期阶段,与安慰剂相比,该药物对中枢神经系统(CNS)是否有效,其临床功效将如何,作用的剂量,作用的时间以及等效剂量不同的盖仑制剂。将描述抗精神病药,抗抑郁药,镇定剂,催眠药,精神刺激药和促智药/认知增强药的Pharmaco-EEG图。方法学问题,以及急性和慢性药物作用,正常受试者和患者的变化,中枢神经系统作用和治疗功效之间的关系将进行讨论。通过诸如低分辨率电磁层析成像(LORETA)的EEG层析成像对健康受试者的区域大脑电活动的药物作用成像已用于识别主要参与心理药理作用的大脑区域。这将在四个主要心理药理学类别的代表性药物中显示出来,例如3 mg氟哌啶醇用于精神安定药,20 mg西酞普兰用于抗抑郁药,2 mg劳拉西m用于镇静剂和20 mg哌醋甲酯用于精神兴奋剂。 LORETA证明,这些心理药理学类别对大脑结构的影响不同。通过考虑正常受试者中精神药物与安慰剂之间以及精神障碍患者与正常对照之间的这些差异,可以根据关键锁定原则为特定患者选择最佳药物,因为药物应正常化大脑功能异常。因此,pharmaco-EEG地形图和断层扫描是人类神经心理药理学,临床精神病学和神经病学中有价值的方法。



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