首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease: BBA >Analyses of functional interaction between RECQL1, RECQL5, and BLM which physically interact with DNA topoisomerase III alpha

Analyses of functional interaction between RECQL1, RECQL5, and BLM which physically interact with DNA topoisomerase III alpha


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R-ECQL1 and PECQL5 as well as BLM reportedly interact with TOP3 alpha whose defect is lethal for the cell. Therefore in this study, we characterized recql5/recql1/blm triple mutants from DT40 cells to determine whether the triple mutants show a top3 alpha disrupted cell-like phenotype. The triple mutants are viable. Moreover, both blm/recql1 and recql5/blm cells, and recql5/recql1/blm cells grew slightly slower than blm cells, that is, triple mutant cells grew almost the same rate as either of the double mutant cells. The blm cells showed sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and ultraviolet light (UV), about a 10-fold increase in sister chromatid exchange (SCE), and about a 3-fold increase in damage-induced mitotic chiasma compared to wild-type cells. The triple mutants showed the same sensitivity to MMS or UV and the same frequency of damage-induced mitotic chiasma compared to those of blm cells, indicating that unlike BLM, RECQL1 and RECQL5 play a little role in the repair of or tolerance to DNA damages. However, recql5/blm cells showed higher frequency of SCE than blm cells, whereas the RECQL1 gene disruption had no effect on SCE in blm cells and even in recql5/blm cells. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:据报道,R-ECQL1和PECQL5以及BLM与缺陷对细胞致命的TOP3 alpha相互作用。因此,在这项研究中,我们表征了DT40细胞的recql5 / recql1 / blm三重突变体,以确定三重突变体是否显示出top3 alpha破坏的细胞样表型。三重突变体是可行的。此外,blm / recql1和recql5 / blm细胞以及recql5 / recql1 / blm细胞的生长都比blm细胞慢一些,也就是说,三重突变细胞的生长速度几乎与两个双突变细胞相同。与野生型相比,blm细胞显示出对甲磺酸甲酯(MMS)和紫外线(UV)的敏感性,姊妹染色单体交换(SCE)大约增加了10倍,损伤诱导的有丝分裂性裂孔增加了约3倍。细胞。与blm细胞相比,该三重突变体对MMS或UV的敏感性相同,并且对损伤诱导的有丝分裂性裂瘤的发生频率相同,这表明与BLM不同,RECQL1和RECQL5在修复或耐受DNA损伤中起着很小的作用。但是,recql5 / blm细胞显示出比blm细胞更高的SCE频率,而RECQL1基因破坏对blm细胞乃至recql5 / blm细胞中的SCE没有影响。 (C)2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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