首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: JASN >Explaining variability in mycophenolic acid exposure to optimize mycophenolate mofetil dosing: a population pharmacokinetic meta-analysis of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant recipients.

Explaining variability in mycophenolic acid exposure to optimize mycophenolate mofetil dosing: a population pharmacokinetic meta-analysis of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant recipients.


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Large between- and within-patient variability has been observed in the pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid (MPA). However, conflicting results exist about the influence of patient characteristics that explain the variability in MPA exposure. This population pharmacokinetic meta-analysis of MPA in renal transplant recipients was performed to explore whether race, renal function, albumin level, delayed graft function, diabetes, and co-medication are determinants of total MPA exposure. A total of 13,346 MPA concentration-time data points from 468 renal transplant patients who participated in six clinical studies were combined and analyzed retrospectively. Sampling occasions ranged from day 1 after transplantation to 10 yr after transplantation. Concentration-time data were analyzed with nonlinear mixed-effect modeling. Exposure to total MPA, as determined by MPA clearance, significantly increased with increasing renal function, albumin level, and hemoglobin as well as decreasing cyclosporine predose level (P<0.001). These variables could explain 18% of the between-patient and 38% of the within-patient variability in MPA exposure. Differences in MPA exposure between patients with or without delayed graft function or between patients of different races are likely to be caused by the effect of renal function on MPA exposure. Diabetes did not have an effect on MPA exposure. The clinical implication is that a change in renal function or albumin level provides an indication for therapeutic drug monitoring as MPA exposure may be altered. Patients in whom cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetil are combined may need higher mycophenolate mofetil doses, especially during the early phase after transplantation than currently recommended for optimal MPA exposure.
机译:霉酚酸(MPA)的药代动力学观察到患者之间和患者内的较大差异。但是,关于患者特征的影响存在矛盾的结果,这说明了MPA暴露的变异性。这项针对肾脏移植受者中MPA的人群药代动力学荟萃分析旨在探讨种族,肾功能,白蛋白水平,延迟移植功能,糖尿病和联合用药是否是总MPA暴露的决定因素。回顾性分析了468例参与六项临床研究的肾移植患者的13,346个MPA浓度-时间数据点。采样时间从移植后第1天到移植后10年不等。用非线性混合效应模型分析浓度时间数据。由MPA清除率确定的总MPA暴露量随着肾功能,白蛋白水平和血红蛋白的升高以及环孢素前剂量水平的降低而显着增加(P <0.001)。这些变量可以解释MPA暴露的18%的患者之间和38%的患者内部变异。肾功能对MPA暴露的影响可能导致具有或没有延迟移植功能的患者之间或不同种族患者之间MPA暴露的差异。糖尿病对MPA暴露没有影响。临床意义是肾脏功能或白蛋白水平的改变为MPA暴露可能改变的治疗药物监测提供了指示。联用环孢素和霉酚酸酯的患者可能需要更高的霉酚酸酯剂量,尤其是在移植后的早期,而不是目前推荐的最佳MPA暴露剂量。



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