
Ten Mistakes To Avoid-How NOT To Write A Successful Manuscript


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As Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the American Society of Echocardiog-raphy (JASE), I have read a lot of manuscripts over the past year, studied expert advice from many dedicated peer reviewers, and discussed both the manuscripts and the reviewers' comments with my associate editors, from whom I learn much every week. This experience has confirmed my conviction that writing a successful manuscript requires a great deal of thought, preparation, and attention to detail. Of course, there are many ways to write a successful manuscript. It turns out that there are also a number of pitfalls that prospective authors would be wise to avoid. In this editor's page, I would like to clarify what not to do (and why) in hopes that this will help prospective authors to be even more successful in the future. While authors must recognize that receiving an occasional rejection letter comes with the territory, nobody likes to be rejected.



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