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First Fruiting Intergeneric Hybrids between Citrus and Citropsis


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Fruiting hybrids are reported for the first time between the genera Citrus L. and Citropsis (Engl.) Swing. & M.Kell. Conventional hybridization using the recently described species Citrus wakonai P.I.Forst. & M.W.Sm. and Citropsis gabunensis (Engl.) Swing. & M.Kell. resulted in high rates of fruit set and seed formation. Although seed were only half normal size, over 90% germinated without the need for embryo rescue techniques. Plant losses were high during the first few months but after six months, the 327 surviving hybrids were potted on. These grew vigorously on their own roots and 35 of them flowered within two years of sowing. Plants flowered continuously but all were pollen-sterile and ovaries abscised shortly after petal fall. However, at 25 months, two newly flowering hybrids began setting fruit. The development, identification, morphology, breeding efficiency, and future implications of this unique germplasm are described.
机译:首次报道了在柑桔属和柑桔属(Singropsis(Engl。)Swing)之间结实的杂种。 &M.Kell。使用最近描述的物种Citrus wakonai P.I.Forst进行常规杂交。和M.W.Sm.和瓜特罗浮游中华(Engl。)Swing。 &M.Kell。导致较高的坐果率和种子形成率。尽管种子只有正常大小的一半,但超过90%的种子发芽了,而无需使用胚胎拯救技术。在开始的几个月中,植物损失很高,但在六个月后,将327个尚存的杂种进行盆栽。它们在自己的根部上旺盛地生长,其中的35个在播种的两年内开花。植株连续开花,但全部都花粉不育,花瓣掉落后不久卵巢消失。然而,在25个月时,两个新近开花的杂种开始结实。描述了这种独特种质的发展,鉴定,形态,育种效率以及未来的意义。



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