首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ethnopharmacology: An Interdisciplinary Journal Devoted to Bioscientific Research on Indigenous Drugs >Suppressive effects of Chelidonium majus methanol extract in knee joint, regional lymph nodes, and spleen on collagen-induced arthritis in mice.

Suppressive effects of Chelidonium majus methanol extract in knee joint, regional lymph nodes, and spleen on collagen-induced arthritis in mice.


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Chelidonium majus L. has multiple applications in Korean traditional medicine because of its anti-tumoral, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activities and has long been known to have anti-inflammatory effects. However, no study on the anti-arthritic activity of Chelidonium majus has been reported in vivo. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease with chronic inflammation characterized by hyperplasia of synovial cells in affected joints, which ultimately leads to the destruction of cartilage and bone. Cytokine production and gene expression were assessed during CIA (collagen-induced arthritis) model mice in knee joint, lymph node (LN), and spleen, using ELISA and competitive RT-PCR. DBA/1J mice were immunized with bovine type II collagen. After a second collagen immunization, mice were treated with CME orally at 400, 40mg/kg once a day for 4 weeks. The severity of arthritis within the knee joints was evaluated by histological assessment of cartilage destruction and pannus formation. Administration of CME significantly suppressed the progression of CIA and inhibited the production of TNF-alpha and IL-6 in spleen and lymph node. The erosion of cartilage was dramatically reduced in mouse knees after treatment with CME. In conclusion, our results demonstrates that CME significantly suppressed the progression of CIA and that this action was characterized by the decreased production of TNF-alpha, IL-6, IFN-gamma, B cells, gammadelta T cells (in spleen) and increased proportion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in vivo. In the serum of CME-treated mice, the levels of IgG and IgM RA factor were decreased.
机译:白屈菜(Chelidonium majus L.)具有抗肿瘤,细胞毒性,抗炎和抗微生物的活性,因此在韩国传统医学中有多种应用,并且长期以来一直具有抗炎作用。但是,尚未有体内关于白屈菜的抗关节炎活性的研究报道。类风湿关节炎(RA)是一种系统性自身免疫性疾病,具有慢性炎症,其特征在于受影响关节的滑膜细胞增生,最终导致软骨和骨骼的破坏。使用ELISA和竞争性RT-PCR在CIA(胶原蛋白诱发的关节炎)模型小鼠的膝关节,淋巴结(LN)和脾脏中评估了细胞因子的产生和基因表达。用牛II型胶原免疫DBA / 1J小鼠。在第二次胶原蛋白免疫后,每天以400、40mg / kg的剂量口服CME小鼠治疗4周。通过组织学评估软骨破坏和pan的形成来评估膝关节内关节炎的严重程度。给予CME可以显着抑制CIA的进展,并抑制脾脏和淋巴结中TNF-α和IL-6的产生。用CME处理后,小鼠膝盖的软骨侵蚀显着减少。总之,我们的结果表明,CME显着抑制了CIA的进展,并且该作用的特征在于TNF-α,IL-6,IFN-γ,B细胞,γδT细胞(脾脏)的产生减少,并且比例增加体内CD4 + CD25 +调节性T细胞的表达。在CME处理的小鼠血清中,IgG和IgM RA因子水平降低。



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