首页> 外文期刊>Journal of renal nutrition: the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation >Body Mass Index and the Development of New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus or the Worsening of Pre-Existing Diabetes Mellitus in Adult Kidney Transplant Patients

Body Mass Index and the Development of New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus or the Worsening of Pre-Existing Diabetes Mellitus in Adult Kidney Transplant Patients


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and the development of new-onset diabetes after transplant (NODAT) as well as the worsening of pre-existing diabetes mellitus (DM) in adults after kidney transplantation. Design and Subjects: A medical record review was conducted using the records of 204 adult patients who underwent a first renal transplant between September 2009 and February 2011 at a single transplant center. Patients who received simultaneous transplantation of another organ, who were immunosuppressed for nontransplant reasons, or those who were less than 18years of age were excluded. Main Outcome Measures: Outcome data collected at the time of hospital discharge and at 3, 6, and 12months after kidney transplantation included the development of NODAT and the components of DM treatment regimens. Results: The cumulative incidence of NODAT at discharge and 3, 6, and 12months post-transplantation was 14.2%, 19.4%, 20.1%, and 19.4%, respectively. The odds of developing NODAT by discharge or 3 or 6months post-transplantation increased by a factor of 1.11 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.0-1.23), 1.13 (95% CI: 1.03-1.24), and 1.15 (95% CI: 1.05-1.27), respectively, per unit increase in pretransplantation BMI. The need for more aggressive DM treatment (suggesting a worsening of DM status) was most usually seen between discharge and 3months; 50% of patients with preexisting DM required more aggressive DM treatment post-transplantation (X3 2 = 13.25; P= 001). Conclusion: The odds of developing NODAT at discharge and 3 and 6months post-transplantation increased per unit of pretransplantation BMI. The most common time for NODAT to develop or for preexisting DM to worsen was within 3months of kidney transplantation.
机译:目的:本研究旨在确定体重指数(BMI)与移植后新发糖尿病(NODAT)的发展以及肾后成人中已存在的糖尿病(DM)恶化之间的关系。移植。设计与受试者:使用204位在2009年9月至2011年2月之间在单个移植中心接受首次肾移植的成年患者的病历进行了病历审查。排除了同时移植另一器官的患者,由于非移植原因而受到免疫抑制的患者或年龄小于18岁的患者。主要结局指标:出院时以及肾脏移植后3、6和12个月收集的结局数据包括NODAT的发展和DM治疗方案的组成部分。结果:出院时以及移植后3、6和12个月NODAT的累积发生率分别为14.2%,19.4%,20.1%和19.4%。出院或移植后3或6个月出现NODAT的几率增加1.11(95%置信区间[CI]:1.0-1.23),1.13(95%CI:1.03-1.24)和1.15(95%) CI:1.05-1.27)分别代表移植前BMI的每单位升高。通常在出院至3个月之间需要更积极的DM治疗(建议DM状况恶化)。已有DM的患者中有50%在移植后需要更积极的DM治疗(X3 2 = 13.25; P = 001)。结论:每单位移植前BMI,出院时以及移植后3个月和6个月出现NODAT的几率增加。 NODAT发生或预先存在的DM恶化的最常见时间是在肾脏移植后3个月内。



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