首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery: JPRAS >Patient education on effective skin self-examination: which patient groups require special attention?

Patient education on effective skin self-examination: which patient groups require special attention?


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The rates of skin cancer in the UK continue to rise. Currently, around 10,000 new cases of the most serious form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, are diagnosed each year with the figure expected to rise to over 15,000 new cases being diagnosed annually in 15 years time.Early melanoma detection has been shown to improve an individual's prognosis. In consideration of this, clinicians involved in the management of patients with malignant melanoma should ensure that patients are educated about how to perform effective skin self examination (SSE).In an effort to aid clinicians identify those individuals that are most in need of education regarding SSE, this report identifies which patient groups are less likely to practice regular, effective SSE.
机译:英国的皮肤癌发病率持续上升。目前,每年诊断出约10,000例最严重的皮肤癌恶性黑色素瘤新病例,预计在15年内每年将诊断出超过15,000例新病例。个人的预后。考虑到这一点,参与治疗恶性黑色素瘤患者的临床医生应确保对患者进行如何进行有效皮肤自我检查(SSE)的教育,以帮助临床医生确定最需要接受有关以下方面教育的人员: SSE,此报告确定哪些患者群体不太可能定期进行有效的SSE。



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