首页> 外文期刊>Clinical immunology: The official journal of the Clinical Immunology Society >Elderly subjects do not show impaired pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide serotype-specific antibody responses as assessed by a multiplexed bead assay.

Elderly subjects do not show impaired pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide serotype-specific antibody responses as assessed by a multiplexed bead assay.


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In a recent manuscript, we evaluated a multiplexed bead-based assay (xMAP~R Pneumococcal Immunity assay from Luminex~R) for the simultaneous determination of antibodies against 14 pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides [1]. Post-vaccination (Pneumo23~R) antibody concentrations were measured in 75 healthy young subjects and in 123 patients with increased susceptibility to respiratory infection.In this letter, we report on serotype-specific antibody response to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides in elderly by multiplexed bead assay. Fifty-eight healthy elderly [age range 58-92 years (mean 76 years)] were vaccinated with Pneumo23® and the pre- and post-vaccination antibody concentrations to 14 serotypes (PS1, PS3, PS4, PS6B, PS7F, PS8, PS9N, PS9V, PS12F, PS14, PS18C, PS19A, PS19F, PS23F) were compared with pre- and post-vaccination antibody concentrations in 74 healthy young subjects (age range 5-30 years (mean 15 years)]. The results are shown in Table 1. The Danish nomenclature is used for description of serotvpes.
机译:在最近的手稿中,我们评估了基于多重珠的检测(来自Luminex〜R的xMAP〜R肺炎球菌免疫测定),用于同时测定针对14种肺炎球菌荚膜多糖的抗体[1]。在75名健康的年轻受试者和123名呼吸道感染易感性较高的患者中测量了疫苗接种后(Pneumo23〜R)抗体的浓度。 。 58名健康的老年人(年龄在58-92岁(平均76岁))接受了Pneumo23®疫苗接种,疫苗接种前后的抗体浓度达到14种血清型(PS1,PS3,PS4,PS6B,PS7F,PS8,PS9N ,PS9V,PS12F,PS14,PS18C,PS19A,PS19F,PS23F)与74位健康年轻人(5-30岁(平均15岁))的接种前后抗体浓度进行了比较。表1.丹麦命名法用于描述血清型。



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