首页> 外文期刊>Journal of public health policy >Teaching and educational scholarship in Tanzania: Faculty initiative to improve performance of health professions' students

Teaching and educational scholarship in Tanzania: Faculty initiative to improve performance of health professions' students


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Well-educated and competent health professionals influence the health system in which they work to improve health outcomes, through clinical care and community interventions, and by raising standards of practice and supervision. To prepare these individuals, training institutions must ensure that their faculty members, who design and deliver education, are effective teachers. We describe the experience of the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) in encouraging improvements in the teaching capacity of its faculty and postgraduate students triggered by a major institutional transition to competency-based education. We employed a multi-stage process that started by identifying the teaching and learning needs and challenges of MUHAS students and faculty. Collaborating with the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), MUHAS responded to these needs by introducing faculty to competency-based curricula and later to strategies for long term continuing improvement. We demonstrate that teaching faculty members are keen for local institutional support to enable them to enhance their skills as educators, and that they have been able to sustain a program of faculty development for their peers.
机译:受过良好教育和称职的卫生专业人员通过临床护理和社区干预,以及通过提高实践和监督水平,影响着他们改善健康结果的卫生系统。为了使这些人做好准备,培训机构必须确保其设计和提供教育的教职员工是有效的教师。我们描述了穆希姆比利卫生与联合科学大学(MUHAS)在鼓励向以能力为基础的教育的重大制度转变触发下提高其教员和研究生的教学能力方面的经验。我们采用了一个多阶段的过程,首先确定MUHAS学生和教职员工的教学需求和挑战。 MUHAS与加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)合作,通过将教师引入以能力为基础的课程,后来又引入长期持续改进的策略来满足这些需求。我们证明,教职员工渴望获得当地机构的支持,以使他们能够提高作为教育者的技能,并且他们能够维持同龄人的教职员工发展计划。



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