首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psycholinguistic research >Expressive electronic journal writing: Freedom of communication for survivors of acquired brain injury

Expressive electronic journal writing: Freedom of communication for survivors of acquired brain injury


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In addition to the impaired ability to effectively communicate, adults with acquired brain injury (ABI) also experience high incidences of depression, social isolation, and decreased quality of life. Expressive writing programs have been shown to be effective in alleviating these concomitant impairments in other populations including incarcerated inmates (Lane, Writing as a road to self-discovery, F & W, Cincinnati 1993). In addition, computer applications such as email have been suggested as an effective means of improving communication and social isolation in adults with brain injury (Sohlberg et al. [2003]. Brain Injury, 17(7), 609-629). This investigation examines the effects of on-line expressive journal writing on the communication, emotional status, social integration and quality of life of individuals with brain injury.
机译:除了有效沟通的能力受损外,患有后天性脑损伤(ABI)的成年人还经历了抑郁症,社交孤立和生活质量下降的高发生率。事实证明,富有表现力的写作计划可以有效地减轻包括囚犯在内的其他人口的这些伴随障碍(莱恩,《写作作为自我发现之路》,F&W,辛辛那提,1993年)。另外,已经提出了诸如电子邮件之类的计算机应用作为改善患有脑损伤的成年人的交流和社会隔离的有效手段(Sohlberg等人[2003] .Brain Injury,17(7),609-629)。这项调查研究了在线表达日记写作对脑损伤患者的交流,情绪状态,社会融合和生活质量的影响。



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