首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering >Effect of nanoclay on the electrical resistivity and rheological properties of smart and sensing bentonite drilling muds

Effect of nanoclay on the electrical resistivity and rheological properties of smart and sensing bentonite drilling muds


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In this study, the effect temperature on the electrical resistivity and rheological properties of a water based bentonite drilling mud modified with nanoclay was investigated. Based on the experimental and analytical study the electrical resistivity was identified as the sensing property of the smart drilling mud so that the changes in the properties can be monitored in real-time during construction. The bentonite contents in the drilling muds were varied from 2% to 8% by the weight of water and temperature was varied from 25 degrees C to 85 degrees C. The nanoclay (particle size in range of 12 nm to 20 nm) content was varied between 0 and 0.6% by the weight of the drilling mud to modify the rheological properties and enhance the sensing electrical resistivity of the drilling mud. The nanoclay and bentonite clay were characterized using the X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Based on the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses the major constituents in the nanoclay were montmorillonite (MMT) (hydrated sodium calcium aluminum magnesium silicate hydroxide, (Na,Ca)(0.33)(Al,Mg)(2)(Si4O10) (OH)(2)center dot nH(2)O)), quartz (SiO2), magnesium aluminum silicate ((MgAl) SiO3) and calcium-aluminum silicate hydrate (CaAl2 (SiO4)(2)(OH)(4)). The TGA analyses on the bentonite and nanoclay showed weight loss in the temperature range of 600 degrees C to 800 degrees C, which supported the presence of montmorillonite. The weight loss up to 120 degrees C represented the loss of moisture (free water) in both bentonite and nanoclay which was 6.4% and 12.8%, respectively. The total weight loss at 800 degrees C for the bentonite decreased from 12.9% to 7.15%, about 45% reduction, when the bentonite clay was mixed with 0.6% of nanoclay. The results also showed that 0.6% nanoclay decreased the electrical resistivity of the drilling mud from 15% to 36% based on the bentonite content in the drilling mud. The electrical resistivity of the drilling mud with and without nanoclay decreased with the increase in the temperature. The nanoclay modification increased the yield point (YP) and plastic viscosity (PV) by 30% to 61% and 12% to 37% respectively based on the bentonite content and temperature of the drilling mud. Addition of nanoclay also increased the apparent viscosity and gel strength of the drilling muds. The rheological properties of the drilling muds have been correlated to the electrical resistivity of the drilling mud using nonlinear power and hyperbolic relationships. The model predictions agreed well with the experimental results. Hence the performance of the bentonite drilling muds with and without nanoclay can be characterized based on the electrical resistivity which can be monitored real-time in the field. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在这项研究中,研究了温度对纳米粘土改性的水基膨润土钻探泥浆的电阻率和流变性质的影响。根据实验和分析研究,电阻率被确定为智能钻探泥浆的传感特性,因此在施工过程中可以实时监视特性的变化。钻探泥浆中的膨润土含量按水的重量从2%变为8%,温度从25摄氏度至85摄氏度不等。纳米粘土(粒径在12 nm至20 nm范围内)的含量有所变化在0至0.6%(按钻探泥浆的重量计)之间变化以改变流变性质并增强钻探泥浆的感测电阻率。使用X射线衍射分析(XRD)和热重分析(TGA)对纳米粘土和膨润土进行了表征。根据X射线衍射(XRD)分析,纳米粘土中的主要成分是蒙脱土(MMT)(水合钠钙铝硅酸镁镁氢氧化物,(Na,Ca)(0.33)(Al,Mg)(2)(Si4O10) (OH)(2)中心点nH(2)O),石英(SiO2),硅酸铝镁((MgAl)SiO3)和硅酸钙铝水合物(CaAl2(SiO4)(2)(OH)(4) )。 TGA对膨润土和纳米粘土的分析表明,在600摄氏度至800摄氏度的温度范围内,重量损失了,这支持了蒙脱土的存在。高达120摄氏度的重量损失表示膨润土和纳米粘土中的水分(游离水)损失分别为6.4%和12.8%。当将膨润土粘土与0.6%的纳米粘土混合时,膨润土在800℃的总重量损失从12.9%降低至7.15%,减少了约45%。结果还表明,基于钻井液中膨润土的含量,0.6%的纳米粘土将钻井液的电阻率从15%降低至36%。具有和不具有纳米粘土的钻探泥浆的电阻率随温度的升高而降低。基于膨润土的含量和钻井液的温度,纳米粘土改性分别使屈服点(YP)和塑性粘度(PV)分别提高了30%至61%和12%至37%。纳米粘土的添加还增加了钻井泥浆的表观粘度和凝胶强度。使用非线性功率和双曲线关系,已将钻探泥浆的流变特性与钻探泥浆的电阻率相关联。模型预测与实验结果吻合良好。因此,可以基于电阻率来表征具有和不具有纳米粘土的膨润土钻探泥浆的性能,该电阻率可以在现场进行实时监测。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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