首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plant nutrition and soil science >The dynamic state of the ionome in roots, nodules, and shoots of soybean under different nitrogen status and at different growth stages

The dynamic state of the ionome in roots, nodules, and shoots of soybean under different nitrogen status and at different growth stages


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The relative distribution of 22 mineral elements in the roots, nodules and shoots of the soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Tsurumusume) at R1 (beginning of the flowering stage) and R7 (beginning of the mature stage) was investigated in response to ammonium and manure N treatment. Plants receiving only atmospheric nitrogen served as the negative control. The addition of ammonium sulfate to the soil caused soil acidification, induced Al and Mn toxicities, and significantly reduced the biomass production in roots and nodules. Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn concentrations were significantly higher in shoots, and those of Mo and Co higher in nodules. The addition of manure to the soil significantly enhanced the levels of Sr, Ba, Cr, and Cd in shoots, whereas the concentration of Cs was decreased at R7. Moreover, when the soybean developed from R1 to R7, the levels of essential elements in nodules decreased, whereas those of nonessential elements increased, irrespective of the nitrogen source. Furthermore, the variation in the concentrations of many elements was not consistent for nodules and roots when soybean developed from R1 to R7. The variation of Mn, Zn, B, and Al concentrations was independent of N treatments. However, Ca, Fe, Cu, Mo, and Se levels were affected strongly by N treatments. This study is the first to document the dynamic variation of the soybean ionome in nodules, roots, and shoots from vegetative to reproductive stage of soybean.
机译:为了响应,研究了大豆(Glycine max L. Merr。cv。Tsurumusume)在R1(花期开始)和R7(成熟期开始)的根,根瘤和芽中22种矿质元素的相对分布。进行铵和氮肥处理。仅接受大气氮的植物用作阴性对照。向土壤中添加硫酸铵会导致土壤酸化,引起Al和Mn毒性,并显着降低根和根瘤中生物量的产生。 Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,Cu和Zn的浓度在茎中显着较高,而Mo和Co的根瘤中较高。在土壤中添加肥料会显着提高芽中Sr,Ba,Cr和Cd的含量,而在R7时Cs的浓度会降低。此外,当大豆从R1发育到R7时,无论氮源如何,根瘤中必需元素的含量均下降,而非必需元素的含量则升高。此外,当大豆从R1发育到R7时,根瘤和根的许多元素的浓度变化不一致。 Mn,Zn,B和Al浓度的变化与N处理无关。但是,N处理对钙,铁,铜,钼和硒的含量影响很大。这项研究是第一个记录大豆离子组在从营养到生殖阶段的结节,根和茎中动态变化的文献。



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