
Investigation of some Chinese jade artifacts (5000BC to 771BC) by confocal laser micro-Raman spectroscopy and other techniques


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The study on material properties of ancient stone or jade artifacts is essential to trace the trade routes of raw materials, the tools used to making them, and moreover the social function of the artifacts. In present research, we focused on 23 intact samples that were made of versatile rocks. These samples dated from 5000 BC to 771 BC were unearthed from the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins in China. Based on the analytical results of confocal laser micro-Raman spectroscopy, 14 minerals consisted of these rocks such as muscovite, antigorite, calcite, quartz, diopside, turquoise, corundum, and sillimanite were identified. The obtained scientific information about their primary material properties helps us to better understand their social functions and technologically related issues. Copyright (C) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:对古代石材或玉器人工制品的材料特性进行研究对于追踪原材料的贸易路线,制造它们的工具以及人工制品的社会功能至关重要。在目前的研究中,我们重点研究了23种由多用途岩石制成的完整样本。这些样本可追溯到中国的黄河和长江流域,年代可追溯到公元前5000年至前771年。根据共聚焦激光显微拉曼光谱的分析结果,鉴定出由这些岩石组成的14种矿物,如白云母,蛇纹石,方解石,石英,透辉石,绿松石,刚玉和硅线石。获得的有关其主要材料特性的科学信息有助于我们更好地了解其社会功能和与技术相关的问题。版权所有(C)2015 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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