首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychosomatic research >Interpersonal distress is associated with sleep and arousal in insomnia and good sleepers

Interpersonal distress is associated with sleep and arousal in insomnia and good sleepers


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Objective: The interpersonal environment is strongly linked to sleep. However, little is known about interpersonal distress and its association with sleep. We examined the associations among interpersonal distress, objective and subjective sleep in people with and without insomnia. Methods: Participants in this cross-sectional observational study included men and women with insomnia (n. = 28) and good sleeper controls (n. = 38). Interpersonal distress was measured with the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems. Sleep parameters included insomnia severity, self-reported presleep arousal, and sleep quality; and polysomnographically-assessed sleep latency (SL), total sleep time (TST), wake after sleep onset (WASO), percent delta (stage 3. +. 4 NREM), percent REM, and EEG beta power. Hierarchical linear regression was used to assess the relationship between distress from interpersonal problems and sleep and the extent to which relationships differed among insomnia patients and controls. Results: More interpersonal distress was associated with more self-reported arousal and higher percentage of REM. More interpersonal distress was associated with greater insomnia severity and more cognitive presleep arousal for individuals with insomnia, but not for controls. Contrary to expectations, interpersonal distress was associated with shorter sleep latency in the insomnia group. Results were attenuated, but still significant, after adjusting for depression symptoms. Conclusion: Distress from interpersonal problems is associated with greater self-reported arousal and higher percent REM. Individuals with insomnia who report more distress from interpersonal problems have greater insomnia severity and cognitive presleep arousal, perhaps due to rumination. These findings extend our knowledge of the association between interpersonal stressors and sleep. Assessment and consideration of interpersonal distress could provide a novel target for insomnia treatment.
机译:目的:人际环境与睡眠密切相关。但是,关于人际关系困扰及其与睡眠的关系知之甚少。我们研究了失眠和不失眠的人际关系困扰,客观和主观睡眠之间的关系。方法:这项横断面观察研究的参与者包括失眠的男性和女性(n = 28)和良好的卧铺控制者(n = 38)。人际关系困扰是通过人际关系问题调查表来衡量的。睡眠参数包括失眠严重程度,自我报告的睡前觉醒和睡眠质量;以及多导睡眠图评估的睡眠潜伏期(SL),总睡眠时间(TST),入睡后醒来(WASO),百分比变化率(第3阶段+ 4 NREM),REM百分比和EEGβ强度。分层线性回归用于评估人际关系困扰和睡眠之间的关系,以及失眠患者和对照组之间的关系差异程度。结果:更多的人际关系困扰与更多的自我报告的唤醒和较高的REM相关。对于患有失眠症的人而言,更多的人际关系困扰与更大的失眠严重度和更多的认知前觉觉醒有关,但与对照组无关。与预期相反,失眠组的人际关系困扰与较短的睡眠潜伏期有关。调整抑郁症状后,结果减弱,但仍然很显着。结论:人际关系困扰困扰着自我报告的唤醒感和较高的REM。失眠症患者因人际关系问题而遭受的困扰更大,这可能是由于反刍导致的失眠症严重程度和认知性睡前唤醒。这些发现扩展了我们对人际压力源与睡眠之间联系的认识。人际困扰的评估和考虑可以为失眠治疗提供一个新的目标。



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