首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Planar Chromatography-Modern TLC: JPC >Investigation of Homologous Series of Fatty Acids by TLC. Part I. Comparison of Separations of Fatty Acids on RP-18 Plates With and Without a Concentrating Zone

Investigation of Homologous Series of Fatty Acids by TLC. Part I. Comparison of Separations of Fatty Acids on RP-18 Plates With and Without a Concentrating Zone


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Fatty acids from pentanoic acid to tricosanoic acid have been separated on RP-18 plates with and without a concentrating zone. Although similar separation factors, alpha, were obtained for the acids on both types of plate, visual inspection of the chromatograms revealed that better separation of the acids was obtained on RP-18 plates with concentrating zone, because compact chromatographic bands were obtained. The resolution, R_S, values calculated confirmed these observations. Topological indexes based on the distance matrix, the adjacency matrix, information theory, and elec-trotopological states were calculated for the acids. It was found that R_M values were related to topological indexes by linear or quadratic functions.



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