首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pineal research >Antenatal antioxidant treatment with melatonin to decrease newborn neurodevelopmental deficits and brain injury caused by fetal growth restriction

Antenatal antioxidant treatment with melatonin to decrease newborn neurodevelopmental deficits and brain injury caused by fetal growth restriction


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Fetal intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a serious pregnancy complication associated with increased rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality, and ultimately with long-term neurodevelopmental impairments. No intervention currently exists that can improve the structure and function of the IUGR brain before birth. Here, we investigated whether maternal antenatal melatonin administration reduced brain injury in ovine IUGR. IUGR was induced in pregnant sheep at 0.7 gestation and a subset of ewes received melatonin via intravenous infusion until term. IUGR, IUGR?+?melatonin (IUGR?+?MLT) and control lambs were born naturally, neonatal behavioral assessment was used to examine neurological function and at 24?hr after birth the brain was collected for the examination of neuropathology. Compared to control lambs, IUGR lambs took significantly longer to achieve normal neonatal lamb behaviors, such as standing and suckling. IUGR brains showed widespread cellular and axonal lipid peroxidation, and white matter hypomyelination and axonal damage. Maternal melatonin administration ameliorated oxidative stress, normalized myelination and rescued axonopathy within IUGR lamb brains, and IUGR?+?MLT lambs demonstrated significant functional improvements including a reduced time taken to attach to and suckle at the udder after birth. Based on these observations, we began a pilot clinical trial of oral melatonin administration to women with an IUGR fetus. Maternal melatonin was not associated with adverse maternal or fetal effects and it significantly reduced oxidative stress, as evidenced by reduced malondialdehyde levels, in the IUGR?+?MLT placenta compared to IUGR alone. Melatonin should be considered for antenatal neuroprotective therapy in human IUGR.
机译:胎儿宫内生长受限(IUGR)是一种严重的妊娠并发症,与围产期发病率和死亡率增加有关,最终与长期的神经发育障碍有关。目前尚无可改善出生前IUGR脑结构和功能的干预措施。在这里,我们调查了孕妇产前褪黑激素给药是否能减少绵羊IUGR的脑损伤。在妊娠0.7孕羊中诱导了IUGR,并且部分母羊通过静脉输注接受了褪黑激素直至足月。 IUGR,IUGRβ+褪黑激素(IUGRβ+βMLT)和对照羔羊是自然出生的,新生儿行为评估被用来检查神经功能,出生后24小时收集大脑用于神经病理学检查。与对照羔羊相比,IUGR羔羊要花费更长的时间才能达到正常的新生儿羔羊行为,例如站立和哺乳。 IUGR脑表现出广泛的细胞和轴突脂质过氧化作用,以及白质髓鞘过少和轴突损伤。产妇褪黑激素的使用减轻了IUGR羔羊大脑中的氧化应激,使髓鞘正常化,并挽救了轴突病变,而IUGRα+ΔMLT羔羊的功能得到了显着改善,包括减少了出生后附着和吮吸乳房的时间。基于这些观察,我们开始了对IUGR胎儿妇女口服褪黑激素的临床试验试验。母体褪黑激素与母体或胎儿的不良反应无关,与单独使用IUGR相比,它在IUGRβ+?MLT胎盘中的丙二醛水平降低证明了氧化应激的显着降低。应考虑将褪黑激素用于人IUGR的产前神经保护治疗。



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