首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neuromuscular diseases. >Transthyretin-Related Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP): A Single-Center Experience in Sicily, an Italian Endemic Area

Transthyretin-Related Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP): A Single-Center Experience in Sicily, an Italian Endemic Area


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Background: Familial amyloid polyneuropathy related to transthyretin gene (TTR-FAP) is a life-threatening disease transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. VaBOMet mutation accounts for the majority of the patients with large endemic foci especially in Portugal, Sweden and Japan. However, more than one hundred other mutations have been described worldwide. A great phenotypic variability among patients with late- and early-onset has been reported. Objective: To present a detailed report of TTR-FAP patients diagnosed in our tertiary neuromuscular center, in a 20-year period. Methods: Clinical informations were gathered through the database of our center. Results: The study involved 76 individuals carrying a TTR-FAP mutation. Three phenotypes were identified, each corresponding to a different TTR variant, homogeneous within and heterogeneous between each other: i) Glu89Gln mutation, characterised by 5th - 6th decade onset, neuropathy as presenting symptoms, early heart dysfunction, cardiomyopathy as major cause of mortality followed by dysautonomia and cachexia; ii) Phe64Leu mutation, marked by familiarity reported in one-half of cases, late onset, severe peripheral neuropathy, moderate dysautonomia and mild cardiomyopathy, death for wasting syndrome; iii) Thr49 Ala mutation, distinguished by onset in the 5th decade, autonomic disturbances as inaugural symptoms which may remain isolated for many years, moderate polyneuropathy, cachexia as major cause of mortality followed by cardiomyopathy. Conclusions: This survey highlighted a prevalence of 8.8/1,000,000 in Sicily Island. Good knowledge of the natural history of the disease according to different TTR mutations allow clinicians to optimise multiprofessional care for patients and to offer carriers a personalized follow-up to reveal first signs of the disease.
机译:背景:与运甲状腺素蛋白基因(TTR-FAP)有关的家族性淀粉样蛋白多神经病是一种威胁生命的疾病,以常染色体显性遗传方式传播。 VaBOMet突变是大部分流行病灶较大的患者,尤其是在葡萄牙,瑞典和日本。然而,全世界已经描述了一百多个其他突变。据报道,迟发和早发患者的表型差异很大。目的:提供一份在20年内在我们的三级神经肌肉中心诊断出的TTR-FAP患者的详细报告。方法:通过本中心数据库收集临床资料。结果:该研究涉及76位携带TTR-FAP突变的个体。确定了三种表型,每种表型分别对应于不同的TTR变异体,彼此内部同质且彼此异质:i)Glu89Gln突变,特征是发病的第5-6年,以神经病为症状,早期心脏功能障碍,心肌病为死亡的主要原因由自主神经不全和恶病质; ii)Phe64Leu突变,其特点是在一半病例,晚期发作,严重的周围神经病变,中度自主神经失调和轻度心肌病,消瘦综合征死亡中报告了熟悉程度; iii)Thr49 Ala突变,以在第五个十年发作为特征,以就职症状(可能会持续多年)的自主神经紊乱为特征,中度多神经病,恶病质是导致死亡的主要病因,然后是心肌病。结论:本次调查强调了西西里岛的患病率为8.8 / 1,000,000。根据不同的TTR突变对疾病的自然病程有充分的了解,临床医生可以优化对患者的多专业护理,并为携带者提供个性化的随访,以揭示该疾病的最初征象。



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