首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Morphology >Skeletal development of the Mexican spadefoot, Spea multiplicata (Anura : Pelobatidae)

Skeletal development of the Mexican spadefoot, Spea multiplicata (Anura : Pelobatidae)


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The larval chondrocranium of Spea multiplicata is described, as is the development and adult morphology of the skeleton. There are major modifications to the larval chondrocranium throughout development, including the presence of embryonic trabeculae in young tadpoles and significant reorganization of cartilaginous structures at metamorphosis. The first bone to ossify is the parasphenoid (Stage 35), followed by the presacral neural arches, ilium, and femur (Stage 36). By Stage 39, most of the postcranial elements have begun to ossify. Metamorphic climax is accomplished over three Gosner stages (39-41) and involves major modifications to the chondrocranium, as well as the appearance of three cranial elements (septomaxilla, nasal, and premaxilla). After metamorphosis, the exoccipital, vomer, dentary, angulosplenial, squamosal, pterygoid, sphenethmoid, ischium, and hyoid begin to ossify. The stapes, mentomeckelian, operculum, carpals, and tarsals do not appear until juvenile and adult stages. The development of the hyoid and cartilaginous condensations of the carpals and tarsals are described. In addition, phenotypic plasticity within the genus and the absence of a palatine (= neopalatine) bone are discussed.
机译:描述了豌豆的幼体软骨颅骨,以及骨骼的发育和成年形态。在整个发育过程中对幼体软骨颅骨进行了重大修饰,包括在幼小t中存在小梁胚以及在变态时软骨结构的显着重组。首先骨化的是蝶骨(阶段35),其次是s前神经弓,lium骨和股骨(阶段36)。到第39阶段,大多数后颅骨元素已开始骨化。变态的高潮是在三个Gosner阶段(39-41)内完成的,涉及对软骨颅骨的重大修改,以及三个颅骨要素(前颌骨,鼻腔和前颌骨)的出现。变态后,枕骨,犁骨,齿列,腱鞘,鳞状,翼状,肉,蝶骨,坐骨和舌骨开始骨化。 ju骨,men虫、,、腕骨和睑板直到幼年和成年阶段才出现。描述了腕骨和骨的舌骨和软骨凝结的发展。此外,还讨论了属内的表型可塑性和不存在p骨头(=新帕拉丁)的情况。



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