首页> 外文期刊>Journal of nursing and healthcare of chronic illness >Reintegration within families in the context of chronic illness: a family health promoting process

Reintegration within families in the context of chronic illness: a family health promoting process


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Reintegration within families in the context of chronic illness: a family health promoting process Aim. To describe the processes families use to manage family life in the context of a chronic illness and build theory that clarifies elements of the family processes. Background. Illness has been described as a family affair triggering families to shift their individual and family patterns as they attempt to manage ongoing life with a chronic illness. Family processes are central to the tasks and goals of a family living with a chronic illness. One in two families will experience a chronic illness in the next decade, hence it is important that research focus on understanding family processes that can influence health of the member with an illness and family health. Design. Grounded theory methodology was used for this study. Nine families participated with 46 participant family members interviewed aged between 6-75 years. Families included members with varied chronic illnesses. Semi-structured, audio-taped interviews with group analysis methods focused on family level data. Data were collected in 2005. Results. The central phenomenon was identified as an ongoing process of reintegration within families in the context of chronic illness. Recognising the vulnerability and reality of chronic illness prompts families to initiate reintegration within a context of uncertainty presented by the specific illness and its ongoing management. As a result of the caring strategies chosen by families, a pattern of engagement with the chronic illness was developed that focused on ongoing connecting, pondering, relating and struggling. Conclusions. A model of reintegration provides new understandings of ongoing family processes of a chronic illness. Supporting the evolving family as they engage with the chronic illness through processes of connecting, pondering relating, and struggling promotes family health. Relevance to clinical practice. Findings provide direction for health pro...
机译:在慢性病中重新融入家庭:促进家庭健康的过程目的。描述家庭在慢性疾病中用于管理家庭生活的过程,并建立阐明家庭过程要素的理论。背景。疾病被描述为家庭事务,触发家庭在试图控制患有慢性疾病的生活时改变其个人和家庭模式。家庭过程对于患有慢性疾病的家庭的任务和目标至关重要。在接下来的十年中,将有两个家庭中的一个会患慢性病,因此重要的是,研究重点应放在理解可能影响患病成员健康和家庭健康的家庭过程上。设计。本研究使用扎根的理论方法。 9个家庭参加了访谈,其中46个参与者家庭成员的年龄在6至75岁之间。家庭成员包括患有各种慢性病的成员。半结构化的录音访谈,采用针对家庭水平数据的小组分析方法。 2005年收集了数据。结果。中心现象被确认为是在慢性病背景下家庭内部不断融合的过程。认识到慢性病的脆弱性和现实性,促使家庭在特定疾病及其持续管理所带来的不确定性的背景下开始重新融入社会。由于家庭选择了关怀策略,因此发展出一种与慢性病互动的模式,重点在于持续的联系,思考,联系和挣扎。结论。重新融入社会的模式为对正在进行的慢性病家庭过程提供了新的认识。通过联系,思考关联和挣扎的过程来支持不断发展的家庭,使其与慢性病接触,从而促进家庭健康。与临床实践有关。研究结果为健康发展提供指导



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