
Penrose structures described by different kite-clusters


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The family of kite-clusters, i.e. K4, K7 and K17, obtained by applying inflation rules to the smallest, initial cluster (K4), were successfully used to cover the rhombic Penrose atomic structure. These clusters, especially the first two, namely four-atom K4 and seven-atom K7 clusters were thoroughly studied and compared with the previously described kite-like cluster K17 and the standard 33-atom Gummelt's cluster (G33). The first in series - monatomic K4 cluster - is probably too small for any real application. The next - K7 cluster is the simplest one that can be decorated by three different types of atoms. Their concentration is comparable to the concentration of atoms of the stable, decagonal quasicrystals Al-Ni-Co. This leads to the conclusion that the K7 could be also considered as a starting model for the structure refinement. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:通过将膨胀规则应用于最小的初始簇(K4)获得的风筝簇家族(即K4,K7和K17)已成功用于覆盖菱形Penrose原子结构。对这些星团,特别是前两个星团,即四原子K4和七原子K7星团进行了深入研究,并将其与之前描述的风筝状星团K17和标准的33原子古姆梅尔特星团(G33)进行了比较。第一个系列-单原子K4群集-对于任何实际应用而言可能都太小了。下一个-K7团簇是最简单的团簇,可以用三种不同类型的原子修饰。它们的浓度与稳定的十边形准晶体Al-Ni-Co的原子浓度相当。由此得出的结论是,K7也可以被视为结构改进的起始模型。 (C)2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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